“When we hit rock bottom, we will bounce back,”
Any historic precedent for a country applying massive austerity measures during times of poverty, which has then “bounced back”?
Translation: we must kill the poor so that we can be rich.
No one is talking about how these extreme austerity measures will affect the most vulnerable people
Children lose very measurable nueral brain growth you don’t get back if malnourished in the beginning. We’re literally making a new class of measurably different human…
No. Plenty of evidence of it crashing systems and worsening recessions from the Great Depression though, compared to spending programs like the New Deal.
That said, there isn’t a Great Depression, at the moment. Selling off public assets to foreign neocolonialists will produce short term benefits…
For their new oligarchy, since ancaps sure as fuck aren’t reinvesting those funds into public education and infrastructure.
Um, i suppose you could apply the effect of the black plague on middle ages europe.
Estimated to have killed 1/3 of all people. There was a subsequent rise in wages/worker bargaining power attributed to the lack of labour supply.
I suppose thats an example of rock bottom and coming back with some benefit.
I wouldn’t call it ‘bouncing’ back though, more like struggling on with a sliver of silver on those grey clouds. Not an adviseable course for a country to take.
I see it like sand in a sand timer that’s been tipped. We get little crests and collapses cycles as the whole structure shifts and grows.
Good illustrative example.
I’m always hesitant to assume growth will always reassert itself in the end though. You know the old saying, ‘past performance is not an indicator of future performance’, type thing. After all extinction is a thing.
The sand castle analogy is why I think that saying works, past performance doesn’t indicate future, every ‘now’ is a new sand castle, its a bit taller, has more weight on one side from the last shift, its a bit wider… it will fail but and it might look very similar, or it might fail a new way and really take it down.
Let’s see if his escape helicopter bounce back
Ah yes, the economic miracle of…Somalia??
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You have to thank the Mashall Plan for that
So the opposite of austerity lol
“When we hit rock bottom, we will bounce back,” he said.
Or maybe you’ll just go splat.
Why so negative?
Because shock therapy has been done before, and the west is effectively at war with the result right now. Argentina might not be as bad but it’s easy to assume when looking at the history of the policy that it makes everything worse except for foreign and local elites.
Argentina has been bankrupt defaulted 7 SEVEN times.
This guy fixed it in one month by not overspending and bringing the peso to a level that is more in stroke with reality.
But the extreme leftish here on lemmy won’t ever admit their zurdosdeemmmmmm fcked the country AND MANY OTHERS LIKE IT! for so long.
It’s a pity that in developed countries you shouldnt vote right and in developing countries you shouldn’t vote left. Both are abused by criminals and narcos and dictators
Argentine inflation is at 211.4% , the highest it’s ever been in 32 years. The value of the Peso is about where it would be if it’s existing downward trend had continued. Go check it, he’s barely made a difference to it’s value. I’m sure Milei’s PR team is hard at work making up these claims but please fact check them because they’re obviously BS.
The real thing is the spending had to stop. They spend more as they get in and they DON’T have the FED NOR US ARMY
This guy fixed it in one month
Did he?
Since he took office in December, Milei has slashed public spending, winning the approval of the International Monetary Fund and securing a budget surplus for the first time in 12 years in a country whose previous governments oversaw rampant inflation and multiple fiscal crises.
However, annual inflation has still risen to 254 percent, the price of bus tickets has more than tripled, and the government has frozen crucial aid to soup kitchens that have ever more mouths to feed.>
What did he fix?
Both are abused by criminals and narcos and dictators
Everything is subsumed and used by those hungry for power, and with the means to solidify it. That doesn’t mean that the content of their claimed political thought doesn’t have meaning, or that we can never conclude anything about humanity or its ideologies from looking at history, understanding theory, analyzing culture, power …
Maybe understand why people here seem ‘extreme’ left, instead of just writing nonsensical, and obviously bad faith or confused arguments.
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Mate, a populist fascist is a populist fascist in sud America, Greenland or in the US. You don’t need to live in the country to see how trump, bolsonaro, duterte or milei are just shit human beings that prey on poor and ignorant people. That’s what populists do, we have seen it a million times in the past and since you mention education, that’s the only hope that people learn critical skills and stop voting for these assholes ( or better even, they hang them upside down)
The last twenty years is what has brought us TODAY. his results will be visible IN THE FUTURE. NOT TODAY.
He didn’t fix shit. If course he had a surplus, because he stopped spending for a period of time, But that doesn’t mean the economy will be able to handle in the mid term.
We should normalize hating anyone of thing with hundreds of millions in wealth. The disparity must be called bs everywhere.
So the communist leaders of the last twenty years MADE THEIR MONEY IN POLITICS are much more to blame as a SOCCER MILLIONAIRE… Right ? ⚽👍👍👍
Whatabout! whatabout! Whatabout!
There are no communist leaders. Communism is an economic model not a governmental methodology. The term has been abused. To claim otherwise is to claim North Korea is a Democratic Republic.
There is no communism without a dictatorship. Nobody is going to donate everything they make to the collective, if there’s no threat of gulag lingering around.
People do it all the time. Look up social libertarianism and anarcho communism.
Marxist Leninist are the authoritarian ones. Actual communists dislike ML too. They are at best nominally communist. By virtue of naming their authoritarian party “the Communist party” etc. But they largely reject actual communism.
But are there any working examples? I know there were some attempts at creating communes in the US. It usually ended up by people arguing so much that the group dissolved, or a charismatic leader taking over, which lead to a whole bunch of abuse.
There are groups out there. Yes. Though for very good reason they aren’t very public about it. And yes, several have dissolved to squabbles or fallen to charismatics. Just because they might be more social minded doesn’t make them any less human. And therefore vulnerable to the same issues everyone is vulnerable too.
Quite honestly, I’ve often thought about the viability of a public project of the type. Crowd funding it’s start and staffing perhaps. Build out to a point of basic sustainment and expand, repeating. It could be done. But there will absolutely be violence from capitalists and those they influence. Should they believe their stolen hordes are threatened. Which is why those that have traditionally existed exist well below the radar.
Plenty of places in the world were doing just fine until the US interfered with endless sanctions and/or backing coups by those that would be more us capitalist friendly.
Coup can only work on centralized regimes, which, are supposedly not real communism.
But we can agree on one thing - fuck the foreign interference.
Other than most clan and every decent family, sure, yeah, whatever.
For a family, small religious sect or a scout group, why not.
If you can keep up with who’s doing what without using any measurement unit (money), it can work.
I thought we were talking about the whole country, though.
When scale is undeclared, scale is to be assumed all encompassing.
You see how they personally attack me? Please feel free to check my other comments. I’m not some trump fan he’s the joke of the world, I’m a reasonable person that has on site experience by living in south America. EACH AND EVERY LEFT WING HERE IS LINKED TO NARCO TERRORISM.
The right isn’t even right at all. The extreme right in south America is more left as the liberals in the us of aholes. (except religious stuff, somehow religion and leftism has conquered people like the literal inquisition
Wow what a lies.
This is 100% of the cases.
All south American left wing parties are NARCO TERRORISTS.
luckily where I live in ECUADOR they have started locking them up. One by one each one falls because of PROVEN CORRUPTION TO THE BONE IN EACH AND EVERY PORJECT AND DEPARTMENT… So much money given to China and Cuba and Venezuela… It’s really sad how they can milk a country that was already poor before…
Not a one of those is a “communist” country much less has a “communist” leader despite using “communism” as a campaign slogan and even having subsidies. Look the fucking words up, then discuss.
Every one of those countries is massively conservative and you claim them to be leftist??? Corruption is resplendent but only one side excuses it as the other condemns it. Please explain about emperor for life Pooh bear, oh sorry, Xi being a liberal. You can’t as the stuffing is 100% conservative. Maduro a liberal??? are you shooting up drain cleaner? Nope. Each and every one is a conservative. There are no liberals there. And thus not an actual socialist nor communist amongst them. Stop being stupid.
Argentina is where a surprising amount of zero day exploits are written.
Qualified tech workers combined with non-existent earnings prospects make for a perfect recipe for an exploits industry. Those things allegedly pay pretty well if you can find them.
It’s also a great recipe for brain drain, with aforementioned qualified tech workers moving out of the country.
Can you ppl just block the milei cult members? Stop trying to argue with these kids
Wow, so poverty percentages were 0 before this government?
No, wait, they had 49% poverty by November 2023.
And you tell me that after all these changes to reduce spend, it went up by 8%? I would have expected it to reach 90% to be honest.
Milei, o mais grande do mundo.
Wait one minute and 15 zurdosdeemmmmmm will come Downvote you…
Maybe, just maybe, people are downvoting you for being an idiot?
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No, it’s because you seem angry and unreasonable
Where? It’s literally people saying my name like I am known amongst the ZURDOSDEMM
You write like a maniac. Like someone standing on a street corner, screaming about conspiracies at anyone unfortunate enough to pass by.
Nobody is going to pay attention when you’re blasting messages with all caps, minimal punctuation, and long strings of emoji. Most will simply ignore you and move on. Many will downvote on their way past.
I don’t even know what “ZURDOSDEEM” means.
That’s why you shouldnt comment here… It’s his Entire campaign…
The fact of the matter is that for twenty years the leftish have ruined the economy and sold all ports to China. Not less as SEVEN defaults of the entire country. Government bonds trade higher as before but still under 50% of real value. The peso has gotten yearly inflation of OVER ONE HUNDRED PERCENT each year for a decade. That kills a country.
Milei is a religious fool, Trump fan and soccer god. All bad things.
They literally gave the country to the poor and to China!
Oh, beautiful pizza,
How you fill my heart with joy!
Your cheesy goodness,
Your savory sauce,
I can’t get enough of you.
Oh, beautiful pizza,
You are my comfort food.Friday night, Pizza night.
The smell of warm dough
And melting mozzarella
Fills the air.
Gathered with loved ones
Around a steaming pie,
There’s no better way
To end the week.A slice of heaven
In every bite.
Each ingredient
A perfect harmony
Of flavors and textures.
A simple pleasure
That never gets old.
Pizza, my forever love.The perfect slice
Is an art form.
A crisp crust
With just the right chew,
Topped with flavors
That dance on the tongue.
When I find it,
I savor each bite
As if it were made for me alone.I’m pizza dreamin’,
Always craving
That perfect pie.
No matter the time,
No matter the place,
My mind wanders
To that cheesy goodness.
Pizza, my love,
You’re always on my mind.They literally gave the country to the poor
Clutches pearls tighter
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
The reason you’re getting down voted hard. Is because you speak passionately and confidently about things you have no clue about. In one breath denouncing a fascist while embracing a fascist. Blaming the poor (always wrong) who are every bit the victim you are. If not more so. Shouting down people trying to warn you of what policies and ideals will lead to from experience. Using bullshit excuses like them not understanding Spanish Argentinian slang means that they should not comment. Though the one thing you might get a slight pass on is incorrect usage of left and right. Your left, neoliberals that they were. Are no more left than the neoliberals in the United States. Who are solidly right wing as a group.
Do you know what inflation means?
Paid shills? On lemmy? Do you even know what that means?
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Fascists and their supporters do tend to play down the atrocities in the beginning, this tracks from 2c who is a known psychophant.
I’m going to pretend i didnt flub sycophant and came up with a fun portmanteau instead
A psychophant would be a sycophant to the dangerously insane or would it be a dangerously insane sycophant to someone dangerously insane?
Nah, I just live in south America so I don’t align with the western look on things. AND I HATE POLITICIANS STEALING AND SOMEHOW ALL LEFT WING SOUTH AMERICANS POLÍTICOS STEALLL AND LIE.
Ps im 100% anti trump if that helps deviate your misplaced hate
Please note not a one of them was leftist anymore than the original shitler was a socialist. But then I was discussing semantics and not making some inane judgement as you’ve decided quite upon yourself to declare.
This is a logical fallacy, attacking the person and not the actual point made. Since my point isnt even a point. It’s just supporting the guy who won and is trying to get rid of LEFT WING POLITICS THAT BANKRUPTED THE COUNTRY AND SOLD IT TO CHINA.
argentina owns not even it’s own ports and should give free money to non working people? Let the UN handle that.
And if a few million starve, that’s a sacrifice, he’s wiling to make, right?
Why do they starve? Were they made dependent on the state by THIEVES SKIMMING OFF THE TOP?
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