@drmoose@prole The UK only just brought it in a few years ago, against the advice of the Elec Commission as we don’t really have any fraud and we don’t have universal ID cards so it’s complicated to know what you’d need to bring. Mostly it’s passports or driving licences which relies on people having the cash to drive or travel, and their name matching the voter roll. If someone is turned away for not having ID they might not come back.
@drmoose it was discussed in the 00s (in the UK!) but was massively polarising and got dropped. People didn’t like the idea of having to carry something that proved who they are.
ID is one tool by which they selectively allow or suppress voting. ID laws are not the root cause, but it’s ridiculous to suggest giving the fascists another tool to use.
@drmoose dunno, we have a strong tradition of petty bureaucratic jobsworths who take rule-following too far, and also a nasty history of over-policing protests.
@drmoose @prole The UK only just brought it in a few years ago, against the advice of the Elec Commission as we don’t really have any fraud and we don’t have universal ID cards so it’s complicated to know what you’d need to bring. Mostly it’s passports or driving licences which relies on people having the cash to drive or travel, and their name matching the voter roll. If someone is turned away for not having ID they might not come back.
Maybe its time to join the 21st century and issue citizen ids?
No wonder identity theft and scams are so rampant in the US.
We have citizen IDs. If you really don’t understand the issue. Open a history book. I’ll even give you a starting point. Read about Jim Crow laws.
Nah that’s not a justification. Just fix your country instead of running away from your problems. Seriously americans are spineless as fuck.
@drmoose it was discussed in the 00s (in the UK!) but was massively polarising and got dropped. People didn’t like the idea of having to carry something that proved who they are.
That’s just crazy to me. How can society function when people are afraid to identify themselves to officials they should be trusting and relying on.
Sometimes those officials deny you rights, including your right to live.
It seems like ID is not the issue here then?
ID is one tool by which they selectively allow or suppress voting. ID laws are not the root cause, but it’s ridiculous to suggest giving the fascists another tool to use.
So maybe fascism is your issue not the ID laws? How come its not an issue in other developed countries.
Because those countries are not run by goddamn nazis, are you intentionally not listening to anything I say?
@drmoose dunno, we have a strong tradition of petty bureaucratic jobsworths who take rule-following too far, and also a nasty history of over-policing protests.