That’s a level of nuance lost on .most people.
That’s a level of nuance lost on .most people.
lol show me the last hurricane to hit Europe
Cool. Great. Now define whether something is racist or not.
you can just ignore them or kick them out
Blocking doesn’t do this at all lol. It’s just ceding the floor to someone.
So call out bigots for being fake centrists. When you start attacking all centrists willy-nilly, then you’re doing the job of the bigots.
How are you arguing in favor of debate and then blocking people?
And blocking does not convey that message.
I mean…it’s literally not always a man. I get the point but that’s a terrible slogan.
I knew one. Nazi-tatted dude. White separatist (he was careful in specifying separatist, not supremacist). He believed racial conflict was inevitable (not a full on race war just ongoing low scale conflict) and he’d decided he’s white, he’s gonna be on the white side of the conflict. He was moderately respectful of other races as long as they didn’t come into what he considered white territory.
blue MAGA
There’s your proof. It’s like a shibboleth.
You answered your own question lol. Your “sturdy houses” would also get fucking wrecked by a hurricane or tornado or earthquake or wildfire. We expect our buildings to get destroyed every so often.
ass sailor
Now THAT is some privilege lol
Plenty of places in the US where you risk personal danger if people know how you voted.
To be fair, if they’re Black, or have rainbow hair, and are glaring at the old white dudes wearing red, it would make me feel safer.
VPNs are 95% about privacy, not security. So all encrypted DNS does is security? What I want from a VPN is fewer companies accurately spying on me.
Bullshit. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen mention that as a primary purpose.
Take your meds, grandpa
No one ever mentioned fewer federal regulations
Europeans never understand why houses are made out of “flimsy” materials in the US.
The simple answer is that your brick and mortar houses would also be completely destroyed by a hurricane or tornado or earthquake.
They’re just way more expensive and take longer to rebuild.
The scale of natural disasters in the US is and always has been such that we expect buildings to be demolished by nature from time to time. Europe is a very stable place. The US is not.
But it does have bearing on the title.