Yes, i have. There is no comparison. Sure you can say America compared to the 31 other countries military capabilities combined but each of those countries have separate needs and ambitions. So they will not act as one cohesive unit. That is why they always wait for America to decide. Ukraine is in Europe, if they want to send troops no one is stopping them. If China invaded Mexico do you think America would sit around waiting for NATO to gather the opinions of the 31 members of NATO before they responded? No. There is a clear difference.
You understand that the USA is a… unity of lots of states just like the EU, right? Even more than 31. Many of them far larger than many EU countries. Overall EU and USA are pretty much the same size. So why do you not want to compare them directly but still say that they are weaker? How does that make sense?
If China invaded Mexico I would assume that Trump is all for it and talks about how this restores order Blabla and how he is great.
The EU is not a nation, the USA is a nation, France is a nation, and so is Spain or Germany. Each nation looks out for their national interests, self preservation, and that is why the USA and the EU are not the same.
Good thing you never actually compared the military strength of the non-US NATO members to the USA. Always great to live in a bubble.
Yes, i have. There is no comparison. Sure you can say America compared to the 31 other countries military capabilities combined but each of those countries have separate needs and ambitions. So they will not act as one cohesive unit. That is why they always wait for America to decide. Ukraine is in Europe, if they want to send troops no one is stopping them. If China invaded Mexico do you think America would sit around waiting for NATO to gather the opinions of the 31 members of NATO before they responded? No. There is a clear difference.
You understand that the USA is a… unity of lots of states just like the EU, right? Even more than 31. Many of them far larger than many EU countries. Overall EU and USA are pretty much the same size. So why do you not want to compare them directly but still say that they are weaker? How does that make sense?
If China invaded Mexico I would assume that Trump is all for it and talks about how this restores order Blabla and how he is great.
The EU is not a nation, the USA is a nation, France is a nation, and so is Spain or Germany. Each nation looks out for their national interests, self preservation, and that is why the USA and the EU are not the same.