be my red crayon? 🥹👉👈
I’d love to be your red crayon <3
I need more people to talk to sob
I heard red crayons were the best flavor but I’ve only ever eaten the purple ones
i wana hav her style so bad i wana hav her style so bad i wana hav her style so bad i wana hav her style so bad 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩
i wna be her suu bad <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
alsuuu im srri >~< i dun wana be red pen thingy .-.,-,.- ,- i dun-.,,- ~i~ ~dun~ ~wana~ ~be....~
nop im jus gonna keep on commntng .-.,
luk at me kewwwwwi, im commntng on ur post!!! i hop u feel somthn when i type wors into comptr n send to u n alsuu the othr comf peeps on the lmmi n the blahaj zon <3
n if so, i hop its gud feels,… if not pls tell me cuz i dn wana mek u uncomf ;(
if u uncomf, .pls lik .,-.eithr block me or pls tell me im uncomf n u wan me to not commnt or jus dun,.
or lik .,-,- jus,- .,-dun say anythnng i gusess.-, cz then its up to magic to decid,-.
i whr i were nice n reasonbl n somewhat preddi n oki n moderately-to-okayish-comf n lik .-, -. , not lik rn
ah yes, this is the smortyposting i’ve been craving. 11/10, keep it up
girlthing, it’s uuuuu! <3 <3
i rembr seeing u around!
i mean if u rlli crave my shidposts u might wana jus scroll through my account posts n commnts…
im srri dis messg is nt as excitin as usual, im nt in a long shidpost feeln rn —
bt hopduli tomorrow i mek dum post about fluttershy bein amazing n worth strivng for ~
hii!!! been a minute :3c
honestly you don’t have to produce qUaLiTy CoNtEnT at all times, i think we’re all just happy to have you here with us. the fact that you choose to share this adorable facet of ur being is a nice plus, but… idk, just witnessing another trans gurl is enough to make me happy <3
ur adorable