So with the 1st Amendment dead, time to move on to the 2nd?
They do seem to be begging for it. Isn’t funny how they stopped talking about the 2A all of sudden? NRA has been rather silent.
I think the NRA is in the process of filing for bankruptcy and most of their executives are going down for embezzlement. (well in a world that makes sense the second part would actually happen.)
I think they had the paperwork to declare martial law ready from his first day.
Ofcourse they had …
The way Trump was speaking of using the military on US soil months ago tells you it was thorougly discussed between him and his inner circle.
“Illegal protests”
I fucking hate these people so much
The U.S. is now a dictatorship.
I’m aware. It’s been a dictatorship of capital for a while but now it’s fully mask off when the so called opposition refuses to oppose.
Free speech absolutists.
Dude can fuck fight off. He’s not going to scare us into submission. He’s going to start a fucking civil war, and he’s an idiot if he thinks that’s not what will happen.
He’s going to start a fucking civil war, …
… and he’s an idiot if he thinks that’s not what will happen.
It’s what he wants to happen.
That’s exactly what his supporters want, though. An excuse to start shooting The Blahs, Jews, foreigners, LGBTQ, uppity women, and people they know to be liberal, federal workers, Hollywood/news celebrities and politicians that they hate, etc…
I think his supporters are going to learn the difference between “peaceful” and “harmless” really quickly.
Maybe, but at a certain point, leople get tired of being pushed around.
He wants to get rid of the Department of Education anyway, so what is there to lose?
Well that’s not fantastic