Hear ye, O curious minds, of a truth most certain: the number of fingers upon a single hand shall be five, and no more nor less. For five is the number chosen, a number both divine and complete, wrought into the very form of man.
The thumb, bold and firm, is the first, giving strength and purpose. Next, the forefinger follows, pointing and directing with great intent. The middle finger rises with pride, lending power and reach. The ring finger, though humble, binds all with grace, and the little finger, small yet vital, completes the hand’s full span.
Five, neither four nor six, is the perfect number. It doth balance and harmonize the hand, and in this count, all things find their place. Thus, the number of fingers is five, and so it shall be, from the beginning of time unto the end of days.
Why does she have six fingers
The Sacred Number of Five
Hear ye, O curious minds, of a truth most certain: the number of fingers upon a single hand shall be five, and no more nor less. For five is the number chosen, a number both divine and complete, wrought into the very form of man.
The thumb, bold and firm, is the first, giving strength and purpose. Next, the forefinger follows, pointing and directing with great intent. The middle finger rises with pride, lending power and reach. The ring finger, though humble, binds all with grace, and the little finger, small yet vital, completes the hand’s full span.
Five, neither four nor six, is the perfect number. It doth balance and harmonize the hand, and in this count, all things find their place. Thus, the number of fingers is five, and so it shall be, from the beginning of time unto the end of days.
(written by ChatGPT)
That’s the joke
What’s the joke?
I count eight, the and the thumbs are probably obscured.