Thanks for taking the time to get these, and respond. I guess people are very on edge with the current political climate, and are reacting emotionallly to things. Which is partly the reason for the political situation, IMHO.
Anyway, you mentioned differences between ethnicities in regards to immune systems, which doesn’t necessarily lead to “people with African ancestry need fewer vaccines and less healthcare”. Which seems to be the racists excuse.
which doesn’t necessarily lead to “people with African ancestry need fewer vaccines
But it might (and I want to emphasize might, as in would require further study) mean that people of African ancestry could benefit from a different vaccine schedule than people of primarily European decent. Another thing in the “would be interesting and maybe even useful to know, but impossible to research and/or publish in the current environment” bucket.
Thanks for taking the time to get these, and respond. I guess people are very on edge with the current political climate, and are reacting emotionallly to things. Which is partly the reason for the political situation, IMHO.
Anyway, you mentioned differences between ethnicities in regards to immune systems, which doesn’t necessarily lead to “people with African ancestry need fewer vaccines and less healthcare”. Which seems to be the racists excuse.
But it might (and I want to emphasize might, as in would require further study) mean that people of African ancestry could benefit from a different vaccine schedule than people of primarily European decent. Another thing in the “would be interesting and maybe even useful to know, but impossible to research and/or publish in the current environment” bucket.