Controversial opinion or not, I’m not a fan of hooligans vandalizing a public toilet.
far-right leadercondemned negationist and antisemite who’s pushed racism, hatred and fascism in France for the past deecades.And tortured Algerians in the late 50s
Absolutely, thanks!
haha when i learned that he died my first thought was “that’s a tomb that’s going to have to be well hidden, otherwise i’m going to have to shit on it”
Oh no!
Dig him up and burn him
Oh no!
I disagree with peoples enthusiasm here. Disgracing graves is wrong, no matter who is buried there.
Focus on fighting against his party and other fascists that are alive.
Do you think he would’ve shown the same respect to somebody else’s grave? I bet you my left nut he wouldn’t have.
I dont care about what he would have done. We are better than this.
Fuck him. He was a prick his whole life, killed innocent people during a war, denigrated non-whites, and constantly called for their denaturalisation and expatriation. He deserves all the contempt he spewed himself and doesn’t deserve any respect beyond his ability to stay such committed to his cause for so long.
He treated people like things and now he’s just a thing too: ash. Things don’t have feelings.
he bred hate his whole life and most degradations in jewish cemeteries came from his supporters. fuck his grave and his memory, he’s going to be relegated, as he liked to put it, to “a detail of History” (his words about concentration camps, for which he was sued and condemned).
Both, then you cancel out the issue of the first one with the second one.
Bonk the new fascists with his skull.
Edit: I don’t really have anything of substance to add here, sorry for the inconvenience.
For those wondering: Saleh is afaik a principled humanitarian, so their critique is probably genuine and not centrist bootlicking.
You’re right. Let the dead be dead, pretty much. You ain’t solving anything vandalizing his grave, you’re only antagonizing his supporters even further. There’s a lot of vitriol and hate on the other side as well, so if an important leftist leader would die and be buried, you would be outraged if their place of burial would be given the same treatment.