• 28 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • The disparity between rhetoric and reality, hence the hypocrisy is the result of her public statements.

    Values are worthless if you throw them out immediately. If she couldn’t see her values respected, she could have resigned.

    In regards to weapon deliveries to Israel the decision requires every involved ministry, including hers to sign off on them. So she had a veto power she never used, in particular now that Germany is boasting about sending more weapons, which will undermine any credibility when criticizing China for doing the same with Russia. But unlike Germany, China is not a signatory to the ICC. So China is not violating any of its international obligations. Germany is.

    And in regards to Habeck i remember an interview with both of them in the last election cycle, when Baerbock was made the “chancellor candidate” by the Green party. She boasted how she has a background in international law, whereas Habeck has a background on the pig farm. “Schweinestall”.

    She owns every bit of her lies and it is evident that she is a spineless career politician, who does not believe in any values.

  • The US Drug sheduling is absurd.

    People not being allowed to own and carry guns while being addicted to drugs doesn’t make them “subhuman”. And what the heck is wrong with Americans defining who is a human and who isn’t based on them having guns?

    Also i fail to see how owning guns is in any way relevant to access to healthcare. Should access to healthcare be exclusive to gun owners?

    The right to own guns should be dependent on having the full mental capacity and character to handle them responsibly. One of the effects of cocaine and even more so with crack cocaine is a boost to the own ego and removal of empathy towards others. People under the influence of cocaine are known to be more reckless and more violent than sober. Same with alcohol lowering peoples inhibitions and making them more violent and impulsive. These drugs shouldn’t be mixed with guns ever and it is insane to now defend this in order to defend Hunter Biden, just because he is a Biden.

  • Alcoholics shouldn’t be allowed near firearms either. And in the case of Hunter Biden we are talking about crack cocaine. I hope we can agree that crack addicts have a very different psychology from weed smokers. When it comes to drugs that are particularly problematic with firearms the list is lead by Meth, Crack and Alcohol. And Biden also was an alcoholic at the time.

  • I got attacked a lot for speaking of “blue MAGA”. But this is an aspect of it. The Republicans managed to push their fanatic cult of personality, rally around the leader, no mistakes are made, critics are opponents and need to be kicked out kind of political “culture” into parts of the Democratic base.

    But this is a kind of “dont wrestle a pig in the mud” situation. By adopting the Republicans culture and way of thinking, it gives them further strength.

  • What has that to do with Baerbock not being taken seriously? China knows the person to talk with now is Trump. They know Germany just does whatever the US says under the current administration. The closest to a “European leader” we have now is Macron, which is frankly pathetic, but Germany has removed itself from the diplomatic scene. This will prove detrimental to the EU, to Germany and also to Ukraine, as a self sovereign European position would be needed to counterbalance Trump. But Germany won’t be the source of it.

    Finally it is quite ironic that Germany tries to criticize China over supplying weapons to Russia, while Germany proudly proclaims its continued weapons supply to Israel. China will just ask Baerbock, why Germany isn’t minding their own business, supplying suspected war criminals with weapons.

    If Germanys claims and particular Baerbocks claims of a value led foreign policy rooted in international law wouldn’t be a steaming stinking pile of hypocrisy, maybe they could get their voices heard a tiny bit. This way however they will be ignored at best, but probably ridiculed instead. Ukraine suffers under this, becoming another victim of German hypocrisy.

  • https://web.archive.org/web/20140729011333/http://burkana.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/No_26_Screen.pdf

    Auf Borkum zumindest glaubt man aber fest daran, dass Klaasohm während der Walfängerzeit entstanden ist: Als die Männer von ihrem monatelangen Einsatz auf den Walfängerschiffen nach Borkum zurückkehrten, bemerkten sie, dass die Frauen das Zepter auf der Insel übernommen hatten. Mit einem Hieb auf den Po signalisierten sie den Frauen während ihrer Heimkehrfeier, dass diese sich nun wieder unterzuordnen hätten und „bestraften“ sie, wenn sie sich auf der Straße her- umtrieben. Natürlich gibt es auch bei dieser Legende Gegenargumente. So kehrten viele der Walfänger bereits im Herbst auf die Insel zurück und es ist schwer vorzustellen, dass sie mit der Heimkehrfeier und der „Machtübernahme“ erst bis zum Winter warteten. Darüber hinaus gibt diese Erklärung keinerlei Aufschluss über die Verkleidungsmotivation der Männer. Dennoch hat sich die Walfängertheorie in den Köpfen der Insulaner verankert und wird heutzutage als allgemeine Erklärung anerkannt.

    Anscheinend gibt es dazu unterschiedliche Auffassungen. Das Fangen und Schlagen spezifisch von Frauen, die sich selbstständig im öffentlichem Raum bewegen erscheint mir da aber ebenfalls die plausibelste Erklärung.

  • Frauen die demonstrieren? Schätze das Fest ist eh obsolet, wenn die Frauen politische Teilhabe wollen, obwohl sie verprügelt werden, damit sie die Klappe halten.

    EDIT: Das “Fest” diente dazu historisch den Frauen zu zeigen, dass sie nichts zu sagen hätten. Wenn die Frauen den Brauch erhalten wollten, dürften sie nicht demonstrieren. Wenn man sich auf Borkum einig ist, dass Frauen als gleichberechtigte Teile der Gesellschaft dastehen, dann ist das verprügeln nicht mal mehr “sinnvoll”, um politische Verhältnisse durchzusetzen, sondern dient nur noch dazu, den verlorenen männlichen Privilegien nachzutrauern.

    So oder so ist jede politische Äußerung von Frauen auf Borkum ein Widerspruch zu den “Werten” des “Festes”

  • Das Equipment dient doch gerade dazu, dass man größere Stückzahlen fertigen kann, und man günstiger pro Stück ist, als es die kleinen Handbäcker können. Genauso beim Gebäude. Wenn die Anlage speziell zum Backen ist, und da 8h am Tag gebacken wird, ist das sehr viel effizienter, als wenn zu Hause am Wochenende Weihnachtsbäckerei gemacht wird.

    Der einzige Grund könnte sein, dass Leute ihren “Lohn” dumpen, weil sie die Arbeitszeit falsch bewerten. Aber auch da ist die Bäackerei viel effizienter weil sie dank Ausrüstung viel mehr auf einmal schafft.

    Dazu kommen dann aber noch so Aspekte wie günstigerer Einkauf von Zutaten im Großhandel…

  • He is denying the existence of journalists in Gaza, because he does not want to acknowledge their, nor the testimony of hundreds of humanitarian aid workers who managed to survive Israels onslaught and also testified. For instance dozens of doctorrs testifying about gunshot wounds on children that look like targeted executions of these children.

    And again he didnt say there is difficulty getting information. He said their would be no journalists. So he is denying the journalists in Gaza, who risk their lifes and get murdered by the UK supported IDF, because then he would have to acknowledge what his government is supporting.