The lower level of that lovely bridge used to be for streetcars. Now it’s empty. Bring it back!
And reserve the upper level for pedestrians and cyclists while you’re at it
You should definitely do thinks like this as a nation. You could say “we’re making America great again”, it would make so much more sense than removing pollution restrictions.
it would make so much more sense
for whom? GM would not agree
For people that live there or anywhere really…
Let me check, uhmm no, everyone must move in a 8 cilinder Hummer, cuz the market says so.
But you can choose where to live, the options are: a shitty house in urbansprawlhood only three hours away from work, a closet in a five-over-one that prices you out of eating, and a
hovel in a shanty townTiny HomeTM
Where’s Grover?