Printables “Currency” You get some for doing stuff like submitting models and makes. 350 meters buys you a spool of Prusament, 200 a free t-shirt
They really nailed the “game-design” and community aspects of their website to give the insentive to publish to Printables rather than competitors. I find myself very excited to unlock badges and collect Prusameters !
Printables is awesome!
got myself a free spool a while back! unfortunately shipping cost as much as a kilo from amazon lol
It was good filament, but honestly not enough to make me buy it over others
If you’re not in Europe, it often ends up costing the same as just buying filament since you have to pay for shipping.
That sucks. paid 6€ to get the shirt delivered to Austria
As a US citizen I hate just how much better Prusament prints than anything else. It’s not even close. So expensive though for shipping and overall, so I use it for my top shelf stuff.
I’ve had a few spools. I’ve found inland from micro center to be really good filament. I haven’t noticed much difference between the two. Also, there are some top tier filament manufacturers in the US. Pricey stuff but no more than prusa and shipping is free to low.
damn that sucks. As an Austrian citizen I cant complain too much