I am not able to figure out whatever bluetooth issues I am having. None of my devices stay connected and will never reconnect once disconnected. I have a pair of WH-XM4 and they will not stay connected. Here is what I tried so far:
Reinstall BlueZ
Check for blocking with rfkill
Restart Bluetooth, but I just get this error “Bluez Daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue”
I’m at my wits end. Please help.
My experience with Bluetooth support in Linux is: you’re either using one of the very few problem-free BT controllers and it works okay most of the time, or you have more or less problems all of the time.
The least problematic controllers I own are ASUS USB-BT500. The most problematic are ASUS USB-BT400 and Realtek RTL8821CE.
The state of Bluetooth in Linux is completely terrible, it has been for many, many years and it’s hardly getting any better. Bluez, like Pulseaudio, needs to die, and sooner rather than later.
Can confirm. The Realtek adapter in my HP laptop is a major PITA. Both BT & wifi have problems that I’ve only able to partially resolve.
Lol well I am using BT400 dongle, so that doesn’t bode too well. As a new user, why is Bluetooth so bad? Don’t love Windows, but at least Bluetooth is painless over there, for the most part
A lot of those BT adapters are cheap shit. Like the aforementioned RTL8821CE: it’s a nasty hack to do wifi and BT using a single 2.4 GHz transponder. But here’s the thing: however bad they are, they’re made to work well in Windows - possibly with a lot of awful engineering shortcuts and hackery, but in the end, Windows users will never know and that’s the point.
When open-source developers try to make equivalent Linux drivers without documentation or help from the manufacturer, reverse-engineering their way around the general crappiness of the products, you get… well, not very good drivers. And it really is nobody’s fault but the unhelpful adapter’s manufacturer.
So there is that, and the general bugginess on BlueZ on top of it.
Thanks for the added context. That makes sense
Buy a supported usb bt dongle, they’re tiny. Better than fighting with models that don’t work well.