@taetaetoofs@lemmy.world was talking about tornadoes and it was really interesting, figured I’d see what other cool things we all know
When projecting a movie, presentation or whatever onto a canvas, anything you see as black (text, etc) is just the pure plain white without light shining on it.
Turn the projector off and the parts that looked black a second ago now look chalk white with no changes done to that part.
Lego is the largest tire manufacturer (Oddly, even if it’s my favorite fact it’s not related to my SI)
If you split the connection between the left and right brain hemispheres as has been done to some people suffering from seizures you can then by using clever methods interview each side separate from the other and discover that they do not agree about most things.
What’s ever more interesting is that you can give tasks to one side and let the other side observe you do these tasks and when questioned it will come up with lies about why it did this despite this not being the actual reason.
Split brain experiments if you want to google more info.