Because he’s doing everything to make it fail and destroy the platform, isn’t it obvious?
No, you don’t throw away $44 billion just for shit and giggles, not even if you are as rich as Musk. Musk is (probably) a narcissist who thought he could make it work in his delusional mind.
He wanted a mouthpiece for the MAGA crowd, and he probably thought the desire in the population for it, would make it succeed, if he made the platform embrace that. He probably envisioned himself as a great liberator, who would be celebrated for bringing free speech back to America.
Musk has been losing it for a long time, and it seems to only get worse.
I wonder if he ever had it.
I don’t know. The way it’s going down, it really makes him look like an idiot. He could have just flipped the switch and turned it off as a massive demonstration of power.
Instead he’s making one mindboggingly stupid decision after another, showing the whole world how utterly incompetent he is.
The most logical explanation for me is the easiest one: if he’s making stupid and incompetent decisions, maybe he’s just stupid and incompetent.
You’re saying the guy that has done nothing but look like a total fool for years could actually be a total fool? By the gods, I think you’re onto something!
Because he’s doing everything to make it fail and destroy the platform, isn’t it obvious?
It is tremendously obvious, I agree. At one point it felt kinda hyperbolic to say, but not for awhile now.
I’m not knowledgeable enough to be able to speculate what’s in it for him, but it’s 100% obvious that’s what’s being done.
He might call him self pro free speech, but he actually hates it (as long as it’s not his own free speech). Getting rid of Twitter is a massive blow to free speech. One less platform where he and his companies can get outed and criticized on.
It’s less nefarious than that. He wants to be a championed business leader. He’s just a fuck up who was forced to buy a platform that he never actually intended to buy (except for maybe a couple of days when he first suggested it). Sure, it will help his side when he runs it into the ground, but that’s not his intent despite being the cause.
Well, if you take a step back and truly contemplate the multi-dimensional nature of human perception and the intricacies of entrepreneurial endeavors, it becomes a rather perplexing task to fathom how some individuals might arrive at the conclusion that any venture undertaken by Elon Musk is destined for failure. You see, when observing Musk’s track record and his uncanny ability to navigate the treacherous waters of innovation, it’s almost a Herculean task to conceptualize a scenario where his endeavors don’t find some measure of success. Now, the nature of human skepticism and doubt is deeply rooted in our evolutionary psychology, but to cast aspersions on Musk’s enterprises is to perhaps neglect a comprehensive understanding of the broader patterns of success and determination. In essence, it becomes almost a philosophical endeavor to reconcile such doubts with the empirical evidence of Musk’s achievements. One might even venture to say that to believe in his failure is to misinterpret the very essence of transformative innovation and resilience.
Oopsie we repeatedly keep taking away you most valuable organizational tools
- The 1%
This take is exhausting. It’s like the political version of narcissism: here’s how everything that happens in the world is actually a conspiracy against me!
If Musk was a plant to sabotage Twitter on the behalf of the 1%, why would he have done it slowly with a series of increasingly bad decisions that caused a mass migration to distributed open-source platforms? Why not just flip the switch and kill it in one go? Or: why not start a program of bots to talk about how awesome Teslas are, and make Trump seem cool, while shadow-censoring criticism of Musk’s friend’s companies or governments?
You think They are competent and dastardly enough to plan a takeover of Twitter, but then too bumbling to make better use of it than slowly discrediting it with a series of half-baked ideas from a deranged and detestable front man?
Not to mention that the 1% already owned it.
Though if anyone is thinking of spending close to fifty billion to destoy a social network then call me - I’ll do it for a billion, or two.
“Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by Dickless here.” — Ray Stantz, Twitter engineer
It’s true. This man has no dick.
He has like 18000 children.
Plenty of awesome people are dick-free, and being dick-ful in no way suggests competence or any other positive trait.
Edit: ITT: omg tech bros are so toxic Also ITT: dick measuring
Took over Twitter. Ruined it. Then : “The sad truth is that there are no great ‘social networks’ right now,”.
Twitter used to be in much better shape financially before musk took over but implying that it was ever “great” is a bit of a stretch
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