Me, 12 years old: “I don’t know what this Linux thing is but it looks cool!”
Me, 25 years old: " As write this, I’m in an underground bunker in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. The fascist government is currently looking for me. I use a 15 year old Thinkpad with Arch installed. I live off of tuna and spam. My only forms of protection are two AKM rifles and a Doberman Pinscher. I have a beat up Toyota Tacoma for the rare visits to the surface. I have a load of SSDs with pirated content for entertainment. I have only myself and my aforementioned Doberman to keep me company. Life is good."
How exactly is reading unix_surrealism supposed to help me use Linux distros?
Where do the mata bots reference come from? Sometimes the language is lost on me
No problem, I’m here to help:
There’s enough stuff in that wiki to make a tabletop RPG scenario, give a new meaning to hex crawling
Whelp im all caught up, cheers!
Technology is inherently violent.
Ignore that reply it was intended to be its own comment but didn’t realize that I was replying to your comment.
The divine technofallus brought us together for a reason
deleted by creator
Only one of them needs to be concerned.
Should be just enough room on that floppy for one consciousness.
When you can see down your sights well enough to seal the fate of a mata_bot, then seeing the correct C won’t seem so short sighted.