Here you go, a “real” source. He said there were more bullet ballots than there likely really are, but there’s still a really suspiciously high number of them. How is this not at least worth investigating?

    4 months ago

    I’m not at all sure how clear it all is, but by the Iron Law of GOP Projection, their endless bleating about rigged elections is a confession that they were doing it. Also, there’s absolutely no doubt they are morally capable of election rigging. Less circumstantially, to really answer the question, we’d need to know the effect of voter-roll purges, the impact of bomb threats, of selective closure and overloading of polling places, the rate at which postal votes were declared invalid, the rate of challenges to ballots on polling day and whether there was any party skew in the results, and so forth. Many, many unknowns. Some of the anomalies are suggestive, but not conclusive. And some are bullshit. But I don’t believe that the integrity of the election has been conclusively proven.

    But in a broader sense, I don’t think it matters. Trump has no legitimate claim to power since he incited an insurrection in 2020, also because he attempted to subvert the election by fraud, because he flagrantly violated the Emoluments Clause, and because he is a wholly owned asset of a hostile power, regardless of how the vote went this time. And every time he violates the Constitution or basic human rights, he becomes even less legitimate. That’s what matters.