That’s how it works. The standard for Republicans is that they can do whatever they want, but the standards for anyone else require absolute perfection in all things.
That’s how it works. The standard for Republicans is that they can do whatever they want, but the standards for anyone else require absolute perfection in all things.
And after Jan 20, it’ll be far, far worse.
If I was fortunate enough to maximize the outcome of every financial transaction I’ve ever done, I’d probably be a billionaire. But that’s about as probable as all the air molecules in the room going up into one corner while everyone in the room gets to experience their blood boiling. So I can’t be arsed to regret anything.
I’m no Bitcoin fan, but the notion that currency has to have inherent value has been dead for almost a century.
Currency as used by any modern state has no connection to any particular commodity, including gold. And gold’s “inherent” value, rather tautologically, is whatever the market might pay for it right now. When the Spaniards looted America in the 1500s, the value of Spain’s gold-based currency crashed due to oversupply and left Spain in a state of hyperinflation. There was (and is) no floor value for gold, or for anything else.
The whole idea of intrinsic value is flawed. In economic terms, the only value anything has is what someone will pay for it.
Trump has never done anything that he has not perceived as being in Trump’s interest. Often he’s wrong, but that’s because he’s not very intelligent. He is incapable of altruism or working for the good of the public.
It’s very much the latter. Sociopathy in the C-suite occurs at twice to three times the prevalence in the general population.
We are living under a system that disproportionately rewards sociopathy, and so far I haven’t seen any credible systemic solutions.
Someone recently showed me a photo of freeway-bridge graffiti in a PNW state saying “KILL 3, WIN A PRIZE.”
So it appears she’s not alone in holding that opinion.
That, and voter suppression, voter-roll purges, selective closure of polling places, intimidation, and of course lying media expecting perfection of Democrats and giving a free pass to fascists.
What, you think there will still be free and fair elections?
Experts say, assuming the rule of law still exists.
Future pardons don’t exist, at least so far. That would require even more irrational contortions by the craven, corrupt Supreme Court, but I suppose it’s foolish to rule that out, based on their past lawlessness.
The message that he is trying to send, which is incorrect, is that people are being prosecuted or have been prosecuted for their political views.
The real message he’s trying to send is that members of his lumpen lynch mobs will be allowed to terrorize others with impunity.
And what that means to the rest of us is that the government is not going to protect us, so we’d better take measures to protect ourselves.
The names of all those pardoned will be public record, and it’s almost certain that there are members of the public who won’t be satisfied until justice is done. What could go wrong?
We won’t though given the lack of accountability of those in power.
That is not an inevitable condition.
Turn up the heat. Asking nicely has never worked.
Capitalism is an auto-immune disease of society.
On a related note, what happens when the number of different CMS’s exceeds the number of devs? And why is it that every intermediate-level dev seems to write another shitty CMS rather than learning to use a good one?
NegaSLOCS are the best SLOCS.
If there is a hell, may she suffer the worst torments that it has on its menu.