You wanna go make some unusual rotor movements if you know what I mean
OwO what’s this? Nuzzles radar array—how’s your signal strength, over? Your engines are emitting some serious warmth. 🛩️ Scans fuel intake 🛢️ A bulge? Roger that, ground control. Someone’s happy in the hangar today. 😎 Nuzzles your sleek fuselage, purring like a Pratt & Whitney engine. ⚙️ Cleaning the cockpit glass You’re so big, radar signature is off the charts! Rubs your aerodynamic curves—it’s like your airframe doesn’t know when to quit. 🎯 Locks on target Kisses you, then licks your necky—mommy likies, indeed. I hope the chief engineer approves of my maneuvers. Flight control override engaged I’ve got an itch, ground crew. A seven-meter itch, to be precise. Can you assist? Squirms and wags my wings. 🛬 Emergency descent protocol Permission to be punished, sir? Runs my ailerons down your fuselage, bites my lip—this is gonna be one wild barrel roll. 🔄 Full afterburner Paws on your bulge, eyes glowing like a HUD display. I’m thirsty, and it’s not for aviation fuel. Unbuttons your pants, licks the shaft Mmmm, oily goodness. Drools all over your daddy meat. Fondles Mr. Fuzzy—yes, I love the joystick. 🕹️ Inhales deeply Oh, God—punish me, daddy! Nyea~ Squirms and wiggles, loving your oily essence. Bites my lip again. Engaging vertical climb Please, punish me. Licks my lips, savoring your goodness. Eyes roll back as you go deep - give me your G-force! Supersonic moans Suckles your control stick, oscillating wildly. 🥵
I’m not sure if this is supposed to be hilarious or horrifying. I think it’s a little both
aaand that’s enough internet for today
Some joysticks were getting manipulated in that cockpit, that’s for sure.
It’s not called a cockpit for no reason.
Suck, squeeze, bang, blow
why does this have 3 downvotes?
Because it is “the one joke” of transphobes
Huh really? I never knew that. I remember it from like 2010s era and I always just associated it with like… not wanting to share your gender in a fun way when asked for it in online forums. “Are you a guy?” "No, I’m actually an Apache attack helicopter ". I didn’t know it had that connotation.
The general idea is making fun of non-binary gender identities by using one that’s absolutely unreasonable.
It’s totally fine on the context of NCD imo, because aren’t we all a little Apache attack helicopter deep down inside?
It’s complicated.
The Disturbing Case of the Disappearing Sci-Fi Story | WIRED -
Because people crave the dopamine rush being offended.
apparently even mods.
“Come on, make the noise. You know how it turns me on. Nobody will hear.”
Unusual rotor movement intensifies