I’ve been running regularly since August, gradually upping the distance, getting faster, and learning how not to obliterate my hips, knees, legs and feet. Although it took longer than I had hoped I finally managed to run a half marathon yesterday in the town of Aomori, Japan. It just so happened that the start line for their half marathon course was outside my hotel so I thought why not just go for it.
I set out with 2 running gel sachets and a bottle of water and started pounding down the coast road. 8.5km to the outside of the city, turn around back to the start, then over a road bridge for a few more Kms before returning home. I managed to PR my 10km, 15km, and 10miles and got a 1:51:03 for the half marathon.
I’m super stoked. Insanely pleased I got sub 2 hours on my first attempt, and I can’t believe I finally did it.
My legs feel fine today, a little sore but nothing terrible.
Next milestone is the 30k. Let’s fucking go!
Nice. I’m hoping 40km per week will become my norm. Currently it’s about 25-30km. I see no reason why not, I just need to ensure I don’t wreck myself by over doing it (which happened early on in my running).
Eventually years down the line I would love to be able to do some ultras. I met a woman in Kunming, China who had just completed a 127km marathon. 15 hours! She was very encouraging. Older than me and had only been running for 6 years. So it gave me inspiration to keep at it.
I think I’ve capped progress. In the summer the heat is a handicap and when autumn finally arrives it gets dark earlier so I have to leave earlier (and eat earlier) or go in the dark and risk not seeing the road properly and misstepping on crack or uneven bricks that would cause injury.
How would you reapply sunscreen on long treks? I feel like the sunscreen would attach to the sweat and miss the skin.
Do you have any tips for bleeding nipples? I use extra deterrent on the shirts and apply a layer of body lotion before going out but if its humid enough it’s not enough.
You can get some pretty great headlamps that help with light, around $75 for something with decent quality, battery and bright enough. I typically get most of my running in while the kids are asleep which means very early or late runs. I’m lucky enough to live in a place with well lit running paths all night though so I haven’t had much experience with unlit roads. I do trail running with a headlamp sometimes though which works well enough.
For the sun, I’d highly recommend covering up vs sunscreen. A long sleeve lightweight shirt + a bucket hat would go a long way, or those weird running sleeves that people wear.
I don’t have an issue with bleeding nipples myself, but I’ve heard people swear by products like nut butter or body glide. I just use normal Vaseline when I’m having chafing and it does the trick.
I’m really sorry but these are not issues I’ve had. I’ve been very lucky that in China I’ve always had floodlit running tracks so I can run late at night and don’t need to worry about sun screen or hitting potholes. In Japan this has been an issue and I’ve had to run alongside well lit roads which has it’s own issues with exhaust fumes, road crossings and uneven running surfaces. My nipple’s have not been an issue so far, I think I am lucky with their placement.
The one time I did run with sun screen I nearly blinded myself when it dripped into my eyes.
I’d suggest a brimmed hat to protect the head and eyes from sunlight and then cream up your face and neck. Wear light breathable long sleeved shirt to protect the arms