Literally nobody on the face of the earth, thinks that he isn’t afraid.
Why would he be afraid? She is not particularly smart, and she is very off putting. I think any extra time of her speaking would be a positive for his campaign.
- Degree in PolSci and Econ
- Head of econ soc, debate team, AKA sorority
- Doctorate of Jurisprudence
- president of NLBSA
- Passed the bar
- Immediately made Deputy DA
- chief of Career Criminal Division
- elected to SF DA as the underdog of 3 candidates, ran unopposed for second term
- First woman, African American and South Asian American Attorney General
- Won a legal challenge against a coalition of the five largest mortgage lenders for better rates
- Brokered privacy policy with FAANG+HP+Blackberry
- Elected to Senate, committees on Budget, Homeland Security, Fed Spending, Emergency Management, Intelligence, Judiciary, Constitutional Rights, Privacy in Tech
- Chosen as VP pick
- Co authored withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Negotiations with France over nuclear submarines
- Thurgood Marshall Award
- Newsweeks 20 most powerful women in 2005
- Time100 three times, twice before becoming VP
- bipartisan justice award
- Two honorary doctorates
- two books + a children’s book
- not as smart as Trump
Hmm, yeah, sure.
I know that wasn’t necessarily meant for me but I didn’t know all that, so thanks for putting the list together!
She’s also from a very gifted family in general. Both her parents had PhDs, her mother was a researcher who’s credited with making significant advancements in understanding breast cancer, her father was a professor of economics at Stanford and her sister is a lawyer and political analyst.
He came out far on top in the last debate, doesn’t seem like he has any justification to make changes.
I still don’t get all the gaslighting. I watched the Biden Trump debate, and Biden did just fine.
You must have been watching a different debate
Nope, watched the first 30 minutes of it. Unless he had a literal stroke the last half hour. He did fine. Just looked old and tired, which apparently means he did awful in the debate. Meanwhile, trump lied constantly, and didn’t answer half of the questions he was asked. But all anybody talked about after the debate is how bad Biden did, and how he should step down.