The fascists are pikachu facing that people are fine voting for another democratic candidate after one day because they cant fathom losing their strong man candidate. In their world Dems losing Biden = loss of voters because if Trump somehow stopped running literally no one would turn out for the GOP ticket. Lesson is: one party is based on a vague platform, the other is based on a lunatic personality cult.
I definitely think there is a case of Goose/Gander here. If Biden was too old, and got run out of office by opportunistic media jerks happy to harp on his age day after day, attacking things he’s done his entire adult life as if it shows he’s one foot in the grave, then by god, the Media should jump all over Trump for the same problems. This is our way of saying “Hey, if Biden was too old at 81, then so is Trump at 78, especially with 59 year old Harris in the mix. Where are you, Media?”
Democrats are not wrong.
True. Still hypocritical as fuck to not say anything about the age while they had someone running for president who was even older.
It was just the Republicans who had a problem with it. Seemed like Biden was doing fine, so why complain? Haven’t you heard of this concept of giving someone a “taste of their own medicine?”
200% justified lol
I mean, he is too old. He’s only 3 years younger than Biden. So if the narrative here is that Biden is too old, then so is Trump.
The objection to Biden was his infirmity and obvious mental degradation. People were saying he had early onset dementia in 2019. Trump has neither of these issues. He can stand and talk for hours. He was shot and got back up. He’s healthy.
So you’ve never actually listened to one of his speeches then have you? He can’t maintain a train of thought and usually doesn’t finish a sentence before going off track and never finishing. He fell asleep at his own trial. He is absolutely too old and does all the things they accused Biden of. Biden was too old, so is Trump.