Unless pants have hole, or are some not wear them fully up, or they may even use skirt!
Unless pants have hole, or are some not wear them fully up, or they may even use skirt!
Saw enough memes and internet stories, where some silly joker pulled such tail in public and it was not belt. So many stories, I’m nearly sure at least 1% of them were true.
I bark at them using my very human vocal cords (I don’t even have any other). Prove me on court that I was not using human vocal cords to bark. Or maybe I was using totally non-human made recording-speaker device?
Or maybe my 1.7m tall fursuit was designed to be weared by my cat? No way even lololong house cat could be that big. (lie, I don’t own a fursuit, in any size, but point still apply).
Oh I know! Some tailed buttplugs were totally designed for pets and it is all about being pet care!
Oh thanks, exactly what’s needed! FLUFFY!
Hi, thx for warm welcome, had a harder moment learning multi-server architecture of Lemmy, now I’m fine. Still did not abandoned the other portal (actively trying to get banned there by being a rebel tho).
How bout You? how’s Your day? :)
It never was about being silly or not, but being able to be silly or being enforced to not be silly.
Also about not letting anyone dictate what is or is not silly tier legal.
even funnier when itself goes silly - such as silly law from above, punctured by my first comment above, how silly law trying to enforce not being silly on clothes and personal, unharmful expression.