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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • The primaries happened l. It’s over. He’s who we’re stuck with

    With these leaked conversations from Pelosi, Schumer, and Jefferies, it doesn’t seem like the party thinks he’s the candidate they’re stuck with. Seems even the leadership feels they were kept in the dark about Biden’s current state through the primaries.

    My question is, who is ride or die for Biden at this point? The people I know on the left are voting against Trump, rather than for Biden or even for a Democrat, and have said they would vote for just about any Democrat with a pulse to beat Trump.

    Is it the moderates? Maybe in 2020, when Biden was the familiar voice of reason running against a proven conman with four years of endless headlines of corruption and destruction of norms. But that’s not what people have stored in their recent memory this time around, and it’s not the Biden we have now. He can’t string together a lucid rebuttal to the practiced silver tongue that seems to have half of America fooled.

    This late in the game, the only way I see the Democrats beating Trump is if they win the same moderate voters who were sick of the uncertainty and disruptions of the Trump presidency, and Biden can’t seem to coherently communicate the dangers of returning to that anymore. The Democrats need to put forward a candidate that remembers both the start of their sentences and points they were trying to make by the time they reach the end, even after 8pm.

  • "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” are specifically listed an unalienable rights in America’s Declaration of Independence and could be seen as the origin for many other “American values”.

    The phrase itself is quite similar to John Locke’s "life, liberty, and estate” from Two Treatises of Government written nearly a century earlier. You can look to Voltaire, Hume, or really any other Enlightenment period philosopher or writer of the time to see that the founding fathers were a product of that time, and that the ideas of the century or so leading up to American independence are enshrined as values or rights in Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

  • Well yes because America had been pushing North Korea away.

    The classic American imperialists refuse to accept that by sanctioning a country into oblivion they will now just join China and Russia’s side.

    Most Americans don’t even know why North Korea is so hostile. We bombed them into oblivion during the Korean war.

    What the fuck is this revisionist history?

    North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, after the South refused Northern rule. The UN stepped in (90% American forces) pushing the North Koreans nearly to China’s borders, at which point China entered the war, and resulting in the 38th parallel armistice border we have today.

    North Korea wasn’t pushed into China’s welcoming arms due to American anti-nuclear proliferation sanctions of the last twenty years, and “being bombed into oblivion” is often the result of picking on countries with bigger allies than you, just ask Germany and Japan.

    China has propped up the Kim dictatorship dynasty for the last 70 years, feeding their starving masses while the Kims focus the country’s resources on military spending, including nuclear development to substantiate their annual saber rattling. Allowing China to maintain a buffer state, that’s kept the West at bay since 1951.