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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • If you’re ok with being up front with people, you could just say “hey, do you mind giving me some alone time while I eat? It’s nothing personal, I just prefer to use this time to recharge by myself.”

    If you’d prefer to manufacture an excuse, you could tell her you’re going to use your lunch hour to try a new mindfulness meditation technique you heard about, and need to avoid conversation during that time.

    If you have the option to take your lunch somewhere else where she won’t find or bother you, that’s an option.

    I think usually just keeping your nose in your book a few seconds too long before giving short answers to questions, then going right back to reading, is enough discomfort for a person like her that even if she didn’t get the hint that you don’t care to be bothered, she would at least prefer talking to someone else instead.

  • The best way to do this is to show them the exploit in action. Nothing perks a kid’s ears up like holding up a USB drive and saying “there is a virus on this”.

    Run a demo in class of how easy it is to plug a random drive into one computer, and suddenly have full access from another computer (remote viewer and webcam access to really drive the point home. They’re not going to be amazed when you type whoami and the console says root.)

    Doing this is like saying “I know black magic and if you listen to me, I can teach you how it works, and how to defend yourself against it”. What you have is no longer hypothetical to them, they will be invested.

  • When I was in high school I wanted to learn how to program, how computers work, etc., but when I took the Java course offered the assignments were boring basics that I couldn’t use for anything. Everyone in the class thought of it as a blowoff course.

    What everyone in the class was intrigued by was the fact that the teacher ran her own local network for the class and didn’t properly secure anything. It wasn’t long before someone figured out that they could shut down any other computer on the network using a simple shutdown command on the cmdline, passing another host as the target. Which led to an arms race of people finding ways to block themselves from being shut down, while also managing to shut each other down. Turns out a shutdown can’t be issued if another shutdown is already in progress, so the first line of defense was to issue a 24h shutdown on your own machine. But then we looked at the params to shutdown.exe and found the ability to abort shutdown options. Soon we all had a library of offensive and defensive .bat files, and the class was an all-out digital warzone!

    All that is to say, kids like:

    • to play games
    • they like to compete
    • they like to poke and prod things, make them behave in ways they’re not supposed to
    • experiment
    • feel safe breaking things and learning from the pieces that come out
    • “hacking”
    • and they like walking out of the class, seeing a random piece of technology, and having a new found understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, and how to manipulate effectively.

    They don’t like:

    • assignments
    • being told to do the same thing as the person next to them, print out some expected result, and turn it in
    • leaving the classroom and thinking “finally”
    • not knowing how to tie anything they learned back to their lives outside the class.

    I know you have a list of things you’d like them to learn, but most kids will look at how difficult and primitive the computer you’re showing them is, and then look at their phone, and say “why am I learning how to use an old style computer? New computers don’t work like this, they have touch screens, and voice control, and app stores”. You and i know this is a misguided mentality to have, but that’s what they will think. It’s up to you to relate everything in the class back to the computers they are actually familiar with. If you give them a new way to understand and interact with the computers they use daily, you will have them hooked.

  • I don’t get why people use Twitter as a social media platform, but the format is/was useful when you just want to see what a certain person or organization has said recently. Ex. Local DOT updates or a game studio during a server outage.

    That said, twitter has never figured out how to be self-sustaining, even before Musk implemented his air-tight nose dive strategy. And I’m not a fan of public orgs relying on a for-profit platform to communicate with the community. Especially when that platform retroactively decides you need to make an account and log in to view anything on it.

    So it’s kinda the inverse of OP’s question: I get why it’s a useful idea even though it’s not actually working out.

  • Yeah, idk why everyone seems to legitimately think devs are going to just quietly revert back to usermode anticheat. I could see Riot patching an actual root kit before that happens.

    But yeah, more likely MSFT will lobby for hw that is more annoying than secure boot or TPM to get working with linux, every windows app after that point will rely on it “because turnkey security!”, and if you ever manage to disable it none of those apps will work on your machine in any OS (if they even worked through proton at all).