an S3 Trio card.
an S3 Trio card.
same here, same time period. everything works. one have to be aware there’s no adobe or autodesk and linux is not windows same as osx is not, and it will not look or behave as windows. beside specific issues for some users, for me it works flawlessly.
one thing cannot grasp is willingness of so many to dual boot.
you could just write hate instead.
it is a problem in europe too. all new german SUVs, and many others, have front beams around the height of others drivers eyes so they blare right into internal rearview mirror, car is lit like ufo is here to take us, and when meeting those cars coming from opposite direction, it’s again at the height of eyes to burn the retinas. the regulation of headlights is obviously fucked.
intel+amd, fedora gnome wayland, zero issues.
so you have to decide: you want websites inside their own window with a nice icon, or you want to get ridd of ads.
if the first is imperative to you, the choice is simple. watch ads.
it would be cool if Brian S reads this now and PM you after all these years.
several years ago main road on my way to work was closed for a month. alternative routes was bad and worse, so i reluctantly ditched car and tried cycling instead because cycling route was okay, hoping i will somehow handle that one month.
quickly realized i’m rather enjoying cycling, month passed and i didn’t event thought about getting back in a car. i’m cycling ever since. commuting to and from work, cycling recreatively, doing 100km rides all around the area and the country, joined a club, enjoying every bit of cycling which makes me happy.
the road maintenance overall changed me, led me to find something that fullfills me, breaks down the stress, make me happy, change my mindset and made me be more active.
speaking of old times, wasn’t winamp’s genre dropdown menu had ‘primus’ sticking among all other genres, suggesting how special primus are?
fuck, this is accurate. i recognized myself in everything you wrote. (age 50ies)
feel the pain of work environment where you cannot add any addons.
the most clicked No Thanks button in my environement.
conservatives like to squeek “that’s against god’s will” but when conservative needs a heart stent or pacemaker to keep him alive, then god’s will is not an issue. when conservative needs a kidney transplant, cancer treatment, or even glasses - there’s no questioning against how god created their bodies.
as always, there’s no biblical preachings when their asses and their life comfort are in question.
I can totally feel that sudden clot in the gut the moment you realize on which drive the action is happening, just by reading this.
they would still cheer together as a herd how you suffered and post that on twitter as a victory, completely ignoring that they intentionally put shit in their mouth for joy of seeing other suffer.