• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • If the Republicans didn’t win in 1980 we wouldn’t have the shitty Reganomics of today, so yeah, it was the most important election (that humanity lost) in history to that point.

    If the Republicans didn’t win in 2000, then it’s arguable that the twin towers wouldn’t have been destroyed, creating an excuse for decades of suffering across the globe, so yeah, it was the most important election in history (that we lost) to that point.

    If the Republicans didn’t win in 2016, then we wouldn’t have had the worst supreme court in a century in power, wouldn’t have politicized COVID, and would have had much stronger health care. So yeah, it was the most important election in history (that we lost again!) to that point.

    If the Republicans weren’t consistently horrible and on the verge of power, you’d have a point, but until they’re gone, they’re a constant threat to the country.

  • You do, and don’t fool yourself that you don’t.

    You probably don’t click on ads, but they stick in your brain. You might see a half-dozen ads for Doritos, and then when you go to the store a week later, you’re slightly more likely to buy Doritos.

    The vast majority of advertising is just getting a brand or an idea into the back of your head so when you’re looking for something in that product category, regardless of it’s a VPN, a web host, a snack food, a car, or whatever, you’re going to have a bias towards what you’ve seen in the past.

    Most of my ad-blocking isn’t to stop myself from buying some herbal supplement/spray tanner combo, it’s to stop myself from being biased by the capitalist propaganda machine.

    I am not immune from advertisements, and neither are you.

  • There’s room and need in the world for both. There’s some stuff you’ll just never figure out if you’re not hyper specialized.

    There’s also stuff we’d never know if everyone was hyper specialized. Crossover knowledge develops a lot of unique stuff too.

    With 8+ billion people in the world, having a mix of specialized and diverse knowledge helps build the world we see.