Immediately going back to the gold standard would not fix 54 years of disastrous economic policy that has devalued money to this point. We would need to make it illegal to hoard wealth, seize the assets of the 1% in America and redistribute at least half their wealth leaving them with on average $5.5 million each and giving 337 million Americans $69,500 each (which would be more once you figure in children and dependents) that is what the 43.5 trillion the 1% are hoarding could do and that $5.5 million on average left for each of these 3.4 million wealthiest people is more than generous.
The reason no country currently backs their currency to gold is primarily because central banks control all the currencies in circulation and these are ultra greedy institutions that want to eat their cake and have it to. Its not that difficult to understand. Switzerland was the last country to abandon the gold standard in 1999. They also have one of the largest gold reserves on the planet and are one of the wealthiest countries in the world per capita. Just because no currency is directly tied to gold in any official capacity does not mean the value of all currencies is not still intrinsically tied to gold. You can still trade currency for gold obviously but when the gold standard was in practice banks and official financial institutions by law had to produce the equivalent amount of gold upon demand whenever a citizen (or foreign entity) presented the currency and demanded to convert it to gold. Ending the gold standard was an intelligent calculated strategy for the us economy when it did so because after doing so and refusing to pay out the debt held in us reserve notes by other countries they could as i said eat their cake and have it to. Now They could print the rubber money out of thin air and would no longer have to suffer any loss of their gold reserve when other nation states demanded the US pay the debt they owed in gold because they no longer had to oblige to those demands. The value of gold didn’t just go up because we ended the gold standard it went up because when we ended the gold standard we began printing paper currency irresponsibly and acquiring foreign debt faster than ever and did so with reckless abandon for the last 54 years and now divided up evenly between every American we owe just over $105,000
I think you’ve really misinterpreted my words into thinking that I have said “we need to immediately go back to the gold standard” that is not feasible. Slowly transitioning back to the gold standard would make some bit of difference but would take a monumental effort that would be far more difficult than what FDR did when he temporarily suspended the gold standard some 90 or so years ago buying up the majority of the gold supply in the us to store at the newly built fort knox and then revalued gold to almost double its price overnight which intentionally caused inflation. This made it so that more money could be printed while minimizing the inflationary impact that would be caused by just irresponsibly printing money out of thin air to fix the mess made by wall street banks. Fdr foresaw what has happened in the last 53 years happening much sooner due to the great depression as citizens were already starting to hoard gold after the banks crashed and were less trusting of the us dollar but this didnt cause any rapid inflation because the wealthy were hoarding the bank notes since they were just as good as gold at the time. It did wreak economic havoc in other ways such as extreme unemployment levels and homelessness. Weve seen poctures of the central park shanty town houses and breadlines of the time. but fast forward to the inflation we are seeing now and the us dollar either needs to be deflated intentionally, or we need to start from scratch entirely adopt a new national currency potentially by developing a new blockchain based stable coin or just adopting bitcoin. (Before you go and knock bitcoin you need to understand banks have digitized currency already and that blockchain technology is a far superior model when compared to the digital representation of currency that almost all banks have used for the last 3 or so decades, if goldman sachs and all the other wall street banks were correct in their public sentiments that bitcoin/crypto currencies are illegitimate Ponzi schemes then they would not also be investing billions behind the scene to develop their own blockchain technology to replace their current digital ledger systems) What we need is a radical solution and just going back to the gold standard isn’t it. We are well beyond that. One thing i can say would help is to outlaw the domestic influence of foreign international central banking institutions which have been opposed by several presidents most notably Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy. Lincoln himself said “I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.“
The numbers i had previously quoted on our national debt increase were only estimates. I just checked and in 1971 our total national debt was $400 billion and today it is $36.22 trillion so that is in increase of 9000% compare that to the 8400% increase in the value of gold since we ended the gold standard and it speaks for itself. Consumer price index inflation models are used because they intentionally downplay the scope of the issue. As i said already cpi does not account for the devaluation of a currency due to the increase in circulating currency supply. Gold has already gone up another $85-90 since i last checked to $2944 an ounce. Rents are definitely going to rise as a result. Near me in providence Rhode Island 2 bedroom apartments in the neighborhood i grew up some 15 blocks from brown university are now unaffordable at $2700-3000 a month. Even 14 miles outside the cityin some of the more poverty striken areas you are looking st $2300-2500 a month. For a 1 bedroom which were about $700-900 just 6 years ago you are looking st $1500-1600 today. I just had to move out of an apartment last year that we were renting for $825 because the slumlord was selling the property and the new owner wanted $1500 without doing any improvements on the property or individual unit. Back in 2011 i rented a 2 bedroom 2 floor townhouse in providence about 3 miles up the street from brown for $900 and that same apartment today is $2800 but state minimum wage is barely 50% higher
But yes just going back to the gold standard would not be a feasible solution to the extreme inflation and austerity the American working class have been saddled with. Something radical needs to be done since this reality has been ignored and outright obfuscated for the last 3.5/4 decades which is about when it became a real problem. But we have gone from snowball to avalanche in my 35 year lifetime and unfortunately i only see it gutting worse. Gold will likely be $4200 or potentially higher by the time trump leaves office. Last time he took over the oval office after obama gold spot price was around $1200/oz and it peaked at $2050 when trump left it was $1950 so that’s approximately 66% increase which is just a little less than the increase seen under the bush administration.
I dont have the answer for what to do unfortunately. I just see the signs. Maybe my ideas for repairing this could mitigate some of the mayhem that has resulted but i can say for sure the direction we are headed with MAGA and even the direction we would have been heading with Blue Maga would both be the wrong directions. The former more so than the latter. What we need is a proletarian revolution and an end to class dictatorship. We have a kakistocracy , which is a government led by the least educated and the least capable among us. And we need the opposite of that. We need a meritocracy where one’s achievements and level of success are not measured by how ruthlessly they exploit those beneath them and how much wealth they can amass and hoard. But unfortunately those in control will die before they relinquish their death grip of power to maintain the exact opposite system of what we need as a society.
I do not intend to be insulting or adversarial but sometimes we need to just realize that what is needed is to think outside the box and reject those who continue to feed us the everything is fine narrative while we are sitting inside a building thst is clearly burning while the temperature increases and the sweat beads off our forehead. There have been more than enough red flags to suggest that wall street, the IMF world bank and the propaganda outlets masquerading as journalistically integrous institutions making excuses for the former are anything but. Sometimes the most basic questions that others consider childish and dumb can provide a perspective that is both refreshing and borderline ontologically shocking.
Lmao, “tHe VaLuE oF GoLd Is FaKe” meanwhile supports fiat currency which is literally just paper we are being convinced is valuable because a bunch of rich assholes who need us to be subservient to them have told us these worthless pieces of paper are valuable.
You’re the one who’s thinking is logically flawed. If the golbal reserve currency of the world is no longer backed by gold then what incentive do the economies of any other countries have to back their currencies with gold which would just allow citizens and foreign nations to pilfer their supply with no resistance from the aristocracy. This allows them to eat their cake and have it to. Also its a logical fallacy to assume these billionaires have to get together and secretly collude. They have like interests and have no problem publicly saying the quiet part out loud at this point and just working together to ensure these interests are maintained. You’re a fool if you think anything more is needed than the converging mutual interests of some of the most extremely wealthy people ever to exist. youre naive.
Bitcoin is not backed by nothing and that idea just shows you have no clue what you’re talking about. It is literally backed by not just all the gold in all the gpu’s used to mine it by calculating the solutions to the cryptography based problems that validate the blockchain. But by all the other rare earth minerals used in these gpu chips as well as the massive amounts of energy used to sustain these processes. Bitcoin is a technologically sophisticated answer to modern currency. If you cant understand why its better than paper money and the current digital model used by banks across the world then you are hopeless. This is a quasi modern luddite perspective (contrary to popular belief the Luddites didn’t actually oppose technology they just opposed industrialization that would out them out of work) cryptocurrency exists for more than one reason snd really the whole idea that bitcoin is e is a farce now since LEOs have caught up with the technology. Monero is still difficult to trace due tonits ring signature feature but there are a plethora of positive features to cryptocurrencies. Its a distributed ledger that minimizes fraud among other benefits/features
something I have found with my years on reddit is that people who argue and debate by quoting everything they are responding too are douche nozzles who do this as so they can make their arguments seem stronger than they are. Its just a method of intentional aggrandizing. Also you choose to respond only to the parts of my responses that are easiest to attack while ignoring the solid concepts behind my overall argument.
When you break my argument down to mathematical analysis the proof is in the pudding. The increase in US national debt since 1971- $400 billion to 36.2 trillion or 9050% vs the increase in the price of gold since 1971- $35 to $2900 as I currently type this or 8300% thats within a ≈7% margin of error. it doesn’t matter what you say especially since you’re just choosing to believe liars who have enriched themselves by defrauding the working class