That’s a good one, but sadly true.
That’s a good one, but sadly true.
Its actually quite simple. Snaily often eat crops and thereby reduce the production of said crops. The more snails reproduce, the more crops will be eaten. When you know how their reproduction works you can start looking for solutions on how to reduce their reproduction (and so the production of crops).
Say it with me:
No. Research. Is. Useless.
If we say that research is useless because it doesn’t bring you mo ey we could stop teaching children math beyond the absolute basics because “it doesn’t brinf them anything”. This is stupid, because those are the fundamentals that tech children to thing logically and become useful member of society. Same with research. It teaches us the things necessary to maybe invent some of the most useful stuff ever seen
Man merkt, dass Merz sich an die Republikaner annähert. Selbst ohne die Zahlen war mir klar, dass in DE Abtreibungen kein so kontroverses Thema sind.
I can’t say anything about the hygienic standards for milk production in the US, but i absolutely agree with you, that under trump such laws will probably get weakened.
Also true. As I said. You can get sick from it if you aren’t used to it.
I can name you at least 30 of them. How do I know? Because I live on their farm.
And that’s why I said as long as proper hygiene is being practised. This also includes separating the milk from sick cows.
Also, to kind of prove my point: Every single farmer I know, that has cows, drinks the raw milk. Did they die or get sick? No. Does this mean that nobody will get sick? Also no.
To make this clear. Germany decided in 2011 that it finally wants to phase out nuclear(I’m not going into the details about it before 2011). This was 13 years ago. Since then Germany slowly shut down its nuclear power plants. The final shutdown was last year. Before the final shutdown it was about 2% of the total energy mix. Until the final shutdown none gave a fuck about Germany nuclear power plants shutshuting down. After the phase out was done everyone suddenly wants to return to nuclear, even if its not really an economically viable option(I’m not even talking about the waste problems) and even tho that we can’t just turn them on. There are only a few power plants left where the tearing down of them hasn’t started yet. It would take some time to certificate a lot of stuff(to make sure the plant is safe), get fuel and hire and maybe teach the new staff.
Theres also power production from water and also using biogas plants. Those are two technologies being perfectly capable of supplying a base power.
This article doesn’t mention the most important part of all. Nuclear power only made up about 2% of the German energy mix. The power production lost by the loss of nuclear power plants was entirely compensated by renewable power and we also have the smallest coal consumption in about 60 years, so the shutdown had no effect on the German power grid.
The shutdown of our nuclear power plants was also planned since 2011 after the failure of Fukushima. Our government extended the running time by 1 year but it devinetively didnt had the power to just revert the shutdown.
Apart from the bird flu being really fucking dangerous raw milk is just a matter of being used to it. If you drink it your whole life it is really not a problem to drink it, as long as a proper hygiene is applied. However, aomeone who isn’t used to it might get sick from drinking it.
I never said that it isn’t good to ban the AfD. I just mentioned the mistake the article makes and that its good that only the highest court is able to do that.
Muss mir auch irgendwann mal Hüllen für meine Karten besorgen.
Wir hatten Triebwerke gekauft und uns daraus Decks gebaut.
This isn’t entirely true. They are backing the check by our Bundesverfassungsgericht (our supreme court) if the AfD is against the constitution. That’s a significant difference. The article makes it sound like the Bundestag can just ban the party, but that(luckyly) isn’t the case(because if it would any political party could just ban the enemies(as it happened in the 1930s)). Instead the Bundestag, or the Bundesrat(its made of representatives from our states and) , have to order the Bundesverfassungsgericht to check if the AfD is a party hostile to the constitution.
Also worth mentioning, that if this goes through, we won’t see a result in the near future. Such a case takes about 4-6 years to be resolved.
Wenn man einen Elektrischen Laubbläser verwendet ist der Unterschied nicht so enorm groß. Gescheitert Gehörschutz ist natürlich immer noch Pflicht.
Also, trocken ist es und da es trocken ist, ist es logischerweise auch Materie.
AVB steht in dem Kontext für Already Vaped Buds. Also Gras was bereits durch den Vaporiser gegangen ist und so große Teile des THCs und der anderen Cannabinoide bereits abgegeben hat. Gewisse Reste verbleiben aber immer, die man dann halt fürs backen verwenden kann.
Pasteurisation has one hell of a downside. The taste. Raw milk tastes much better than pasteurized Milk. That’s at least my opinion.