How do you opt out for already created content in the past?
How do you opt out for already created content in the past?
Copyright and license laws for you, not for me. This is the biggest theft ever.
Well taken care citizens are more productive (yet can revolt better) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs
There’s a solution for reducing population while increasing birthrates: war, pandemias and forced inoculations inseminations (physically or by peer pressure).
Edit: I’m not an antivaxxer, that’s just idiotic. I’m talking antiabortion and religion.
Bahasa is incredibly simple. It has no articles, genders, time conjugations or adverbs. You just say “I eat yesterday cake” for example
Follow-up: teach them to learn to troubleshoot and search. Take the fear of breaking something from them by providing them with a VM with windows where they need to fix something or install a driver. Provide them with a Linux VM just for them to try too.
Teach them mistrust. Make them upload things to a copy of Google docs or something, and then show how you have access to everything.
Teach them about open source as a precondition for being able to trust software.
I would go with tasks where they get to “hack” or learn about each other. Give them usb sticks, make them put a silly trivia on an encrypted 7z with passwords that are somewhat crackable. Then, take their usbs from them, and distribute them randomly, and let them use jack the ripper or so. Twist, you would have added a virus or something into the USB stick, so they get infected with a “silly pop up” once they start jack the ripper. They get to play, and the exercise will stick with them.
Teach them about 10 minute mails pages, to open a silly account t somewhere.
Make them use a VPN like mullvad or some that you have set up to access a specific page or make web searches. They can notice the difference in content depending on the country they are exiting with. Twist: you control the VPN, provide them at the end with a list of accessed pages so they understand how the vpns do not ensure privacy. Explain simply what a VPN is (tunnel,etc).
Not even, it will suffocate on its own by having the capitalists keeping their changes from each other. Like a bucket of crabs; where if one crab is about to get free the others grab onto it and pull it down.
Kernels really benefit from being “forced” to share the code changes as the GPL license, they are too tied to HW, and HW needs a lot of capital when iterating.
Open source.
Didn’t you leave Lemmy?
He is now slowly trying to buy what rich people normally can’t buy; acceptance and recognition. Don’t fall for it. He keeps doing the same criminal things in parallel. The world would be better without him and people like him.
I wrote it as a tongue in cheek against the OP that said “…I really hope the tech crowd is working on jailbreaking this garbage”.
Surprise surprise, that comment is sitting with 49 upvotes 1 downvote, mine that you admonish is on 27 upvotes 13 downvotes.
This kind of proves the point. The “tech crowd” doesn’t owe you anything. Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world, you don’t know how much of my personal and professional life I have spent fully on open source.
Get up your feet and talk with your family, representatitives. Legislate this shit away. Nobody accepts food products that dont have a recipe or with unknown ingredients. Nobody accepts engineering projects without plans. Demand open source and interoperability.
We try. We also pivot to open source to try and regain control because it’s the only way. We even share our passions with those who ask.
You folks just roll your eyes and put more money on their hands.
I just setup an old friend couple new computer with Windows. We lost a full day as the HP printer didn’t work (yet worked via Android and my linux laptop without installing absolutely anything), Outlook doesn’t save passwords (so we moved to Thunderbird), chrome is a mess (so we moved to Firefox + unlock origin), Microsoft excel is incredibly expensive and refused to open the only spreadsheet they needed (so me moved to libreoffice)…
A fucking nightmare. And everything worked fine with FOSS or on my laptop.
Just stay away from nvidia on Linux and you are golden.
She weighted 2 kilos more than allowed the day before, putting her over 50, even almost making it to 53 which would be 2 weight classes over.
They put her in dehydration, diet, “trash bag” running to get all sweat out, a Sauna in the morning of the weight-in (but she wasn’t sweating anymore), they removed blood from her, and as a last measure, cut her hair.
She failed.
She needed IV injections right after the moment of the weight-in by the committee. She then was hospitalized and remains hospitalized. It seems that luckily she is fine.
Disqualification is there to prevent countries pushing their athletes through these ordeals, which have long-term consequences on their health.
She weighted 2 kilos more than allowed the day before, putting her over 50, even almost making it to 53 which would be 2 weight classes over.
They put her in dehydration, diet, “trash bag” running to get all sweat out, a Sauna in the morning of the weight-in (but she wasn’t sweating anymore), they removed blood from her, and as a last measure, cut her hair.
She failed.
She needed IV injections right after the moment of the weight-in by the committee. She then was hospitalized and remains hospitalized. It seems that luckily she is fine.
Disqualification is there to prevent countries pushing their athletes through these ordeals, which have long-term consequences on their health.
If it was truly opt-in, it could be an extension. They should not be bundling this with the browser, bloating it more in the process.
The extension API doesn’t have enough access for this.
You technically can run your own local AI, but they hook up to the big data-hungry ones out of the box.
While it is opt-in and disabled by default, this is the real problem.
The code needs to maintain the copyrights and authors. They are “mirroring” usernames into their own domain, with mails that dont correspond to the original authors, stealing their contributions.
They have been moving things to apps so they can substitute piecemeal the open source OS with their close sources: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/07/googles-iron-grip-on-android-controlling-open-source-by-any-means-necessary/
That article is 12 years old. It has only gotten worse.