Just a guy, doin’ stuff.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • OK, let’s start where we agree: home invasion is not OK, and it deserves punishment. Furthermore, I want to remove this individual from the public (until such time that they have been reformed, or at least served their sentence) so they are not able to repeat such behaviour.

    Here’s where we seem to disagree: you want punishment, seemingly, by any means necessary. My stance is, punish him based on the crime he directly committed.

    He was set to potentially recieve up to 25 years just for the burglary and then an additional 30 for murder and the judge dropped it to 24-30. So, if they had just charged and convicted him for the burglary would that not been enough for you? The murder charge, in this case really only provides for a slightly higher upper limit and probably increases time until he is eligible for parole. It’s also a slippery slope that can easily be used to pile on charges. So, is piling on the murder charge really worth it? He got caught, he was charged, he’s been convicted, they probably would’ve thrown the book at him just with the burglary charge. Seriously, do you really still think adding that murder charge is worth it?

  • Felony murder would perhaps work if you were directly involved. For example, if the guy had been active in a shootout with the cops with his friend, or e en if he was then only one shooting at the cops and his friend was shot and killed, then yeah sure I get it. But here, the only common thread in the incident is the robbery, the surviving kid ran into the woods to escape while his friend actively engaged the cops. They weren’t acting together at that point. Otherwise, yeah I agree that there also should have been safe guards in place since he was a minor at the time as well.

  • OK, this, much like the specific law involved in this situation, is ridiculously reductive.

    Did they break and enter? Yes. Did the friend, who was shot and killed, engage police with a weapon? Yes. Did the guy charged with murder force his friend into the situation that led to his death? NO! The kid who was killed decided to engage the cops with a weapon, while the kid who was charged ran into the woods.

    The law just seems like a poorly veiled means of piling additional charges on to criminals, no matter how petty the crime. I’d bet there are probably some more wild situations where the justice system managed to butterfly effect their way to linking some petty crime with something not at all associated with the crime itself.

  • Sway@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldToot toot
    29 days ago

    He was also a taxonomist with a specialty in parasitology (I worked for him doing parasitology work on fish) turns out when he first met his to be wife (anecdote that came directly from him) he went fishing, and brought the fish to his to-be in-laws where he was sure to point out evert parasite in the fish that they would then go on to eat.