Not as cheap as your comment.
Not as cheap as your comment.
I have both a 3D printer and a paper printer… now I just need friends.
It matters for most, and if it doesn’t matter, then you would probably just buy it regardless. It’s always additional content, and probably worth it to you if its cost might as well be 0.
Yeah, I sure as shit wouldn’t use the internet if it wasn’t anonymous, seems like a weird thing to want when people are more concerned for their privacy than ever before.
I think he forgor the cuteness when making me.
I don’t understand the thoughts of Sony executives, but I guess I’m just not exec material. This will only lead to a decrease in sales, probably a substantial amount, both from people being literally unable to play it, and also from people now refusing to buy it. So what, pray tell, is the advantage to it? Do they think they’ll get more back from selling people’s data than they’ll have lost in sales?
What fantasy world are you living in that you think the next version of windows will require a subcription? If you just think about that for 5 seconds, you would realise how wholly stupid that idea is, and that it’s too stupid even for Microsoft.
It’s great that there’s a good alternative but I’m not sure I’d ever use it, since I like the modpacks that MC has on offer, and I haven’t spent a dime on MC since buying it 13 or 14 years ago anyway.
Cool. Hope it has mod support unlike Forza, or at least doesn’t prohibit it. VR would be nice as well since the only options for racers in VR are sims, or F1.
Yeah there are enough games in my backlog that I don’t mind waiting a year or two for the PC port.
This is how it’s been so far right? I wouldn’t expect anything to change with a new co-CEO.
Valve don’t usually do “easy cash grabs” though, and while I seriously doubt it’ll be able to meet the insane expectations people have for it, I doubt it’ll be shit.
You mean like everywhere else?
Steam basically IS PC gaming, and probably has more active users than Xbox or Playstation, maybe even combined. There’s no way it’s worth any less than Activison Blizzard
Seems like PB&Js are your jam.
I wonder if any of the Venus landers had plastic parts.
It’s the rare opaque glass, very cool.
I was so confused as to why my videos kept getting stuck, thought it was my internet acting up.