No. No it wasn’t. At all. Literally a simple Google search will show you it is satire. In fact it started off as a segment ON the daily show.
Haha. Satire is you pretending to do a thing seriously to show how ridiculous it is. That’s exactly what Colbert was doing.
Their goal is to brand all trans and gay people as pedophiles so they can justify killing LGBT people
Honestly almost everything works on my steam deck. The only things that don’t work are online only games with anti-cheat, and I barely ever touch those. I could possibly make the leap on my main pc to be fully steamos
Why does he think Trump is against big tech when he’s working side by side with Musk?
Damn it is can never come up with an original quip.
Closer to 100k. I still owe about 75k. I couldn’t get anything on a 3 year plan. I’m on 5-10 years depending on the loan. My mortgage is about 2k a month and the repairs are another 1k a month, half my mortgage
Whenever I get back on my feet life seems to kick me down again. I never am good at saving, but every time I start to get my debt under control,pay off a loan or something, something else hits me that i need to take out another loan for, or i lose my job and have to struggle to pay the bills for a few months while racking up credit card debt. The house I moved to 3 years ago was the single worst financial decision I ever made, and I wound up having a day 1 plumbing emergency (6k), replacing the roof and all the windows (30k each), replacing the dish washer, clothes washer, and dryer (another 6k), having the sewer line collapse for 12k, finding out all the electrical outlets used aluminum wiring and were sparking during the winter when it got cold so another 7k, the finished basement started flooding and to get it waterproofed they had to rip out the finishing and that cost 7k to do, and the repairs to put it all back will be another 7k after I pay off this other loan I’m close to paying off. That’s just the past 3 years but my life has been a Neverending series of crap like this.
I always thought of the point known as ‘making it’ was the point at which i could just go to the grocery store or a restaurant or a movie and just not worry about how much I was spending comfortable that I had enough. Never got there.
Dustbowl part Deux: Electric Boogaloo
They’ll just become smart like the Fae in a lot of fantasy literature, they can’t lie but they can tell you half truths and let you fill in thr blanks yourself to mislead you to an improper conclusion.
This is in direct response to the first openly transgender member of congress being elected. This is a targeted attack against Sarah McBride.
I beg to argue that being able to 3d model the figures and printing your own original creations is far more attractive than downloading a file aomeone else made and printing that.
They still can use a bank… they’re just prohibited from directly using technology themselves. Other people can use technology on their behalf. I just picked up an Amish hitchhiker 2 weeks ago. He can’t drive a car but he can ride on one fine.
Birthright citizenship is on the chopping block
Or they just don’t watch the news entirely. There was a spike insearches on election day of ‘Did Biden drop out?’ These people are completely out of the loop on everything and yet voting.
It would have to be coupled with assurances that all children are fetting and equal civics education to avoid the whole segregated schools being crappy thing.
That’s exactly it, and this tweet image was none other than Cody Showdy himself.
I was actually just reading a book a couple months ago, Blasphemy Online where the US fell apart and and several new countries formed after the US fell and Cascadia WAS one of the countries… so that’s neat I guess.