Also hier hat ein Edeka Kassen zum selber scannen eingebaut. Waren viel benutzt, weil es halt ein kleiner Laden ist direkt in 'nem Wohngebiet ist, wo viele Leute mal eben für 1-2 vorbeigehen.
Und 8 Wochen später wurden sie wieder abgebaut… und so ziemlich jeder zweite an der Kasse hat sich darüber beschwert. Die offizielle Antwort: “zu viel Möglichkeiten für Diebstähle”. Wenn man dann nachgehakt hat (oder eine der angestellten kannte), kam raus, dass sich die Rentner, die hauptsächlich vormittags in Scharen einkaufen, meist lautstark über den neumodischen Mist beschwert haben und dann eben nicht wiederkamen, sondern 50 Meter weiter bei Aldi eingekauft haben.
Das war vor ca. 5 Jahren und von den 5 Supermärkten/Discountern, die hier fußläufig erreichtbar sind, hat kein einziger, auch nicht wenn es bei der Kette eigentlich inzwischen normal ist, je wieder darüber nachgedacht.
Kassen zum selber scannen träum
Sowas gibt’s hier nirgends, denn bei denen, die es versucht haben, sind die depperten Rentner Sturm gelaufen, bis die wieder abgebaut wurden. War einfach zu wichtig, dass neben den im Schnitt 1-2 geöfneten Kassen nicht nur eine weitere, sondern 3 unbenutzte sind…
Shhhh… we are not supposed to know that.
Cute that were under the assumption people understood how tariffs worked.
Aber da können doch die Leitungen nichts für, dass seit Ende 2021 eine derart inkompetente Regierung im Amt ist, dass die armen Elektronen plötzlich vor lauter Verwirrung nicht mehr in zeitgemäßer Geschwindigkeit durch die modernen Kupferleitungen reisen. Das wird demnächst ganz schnell besser…
Of course you do, because “Germany bad!!!” is one of the most important narratives of our time, in- and outside of Germany.
(In reality there is nothing like that in the article, just alot of general statistics about deaths by police -here Germany ranks low in deaths per capita and high on acual detailed data not even collected in many other countries- followed by complains about far too little transparency and lack of independent scrutinity in all countries -with Romania, Bulgaria and Italy being mentioned for refusing to provide data for the report-.)
Das stimmt doch gar nicht.
Merz wurde nicht von der Bühne geschubst. Er hat sich freiwillig verpisst, weil er nicht der Boss sein durfte, und ist erst wieder aus der Versenkung aufgetaucht, als es eine neue Chance gab, Chef sein zu können.
“Die Amerikaner seien bei der Durchsetzung ihrer Interessen viel offensiver.”
In dem sie Geld in die Hand nehmen, um ihre Interessen voran zu treiben, statt sich bewegungslos auf den Rücken zu legen und zu hoffen, dass sich die Welt wieder rückwärts dreht, wie es die C*U gern wieder einige Jahrzehnte tun würde…
Als autonom fahrende On-Demand-Shuttles, eben weil da ständig eine Person als Fahrer in Bereitschaft halten unpraktisch ist?
Ich war jetzt nie ein Fan von ihm, aber wenn die C*U mal wieder mit ihrem Wahn von der extrem linken SPD ankommt, zitier ich inzwischen gern Kevin Kühnert vor der letzten Wahl…
“Wer ernsthaft glaubt, den Leuten weißmachen zu können, dass mit Olaf Scholz -ich wiederhole: Olaf Scholz- die kommunistische Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland einzieht […], der ist ein bißchen falsch gewickelt und das wissen auch die Leute in Deutschland ziemlich genau”.
you omitted the part where it stated that such a coalition would in no case be fit to stand up against Trump
And? “They would not be fit to stand up against Trump” is a statement as baseless as “that coalition needed to die”. Just because they are a neo-liberal rag hating on a government not sharing their delusion doesn’t make it true. I ommited that part because it adds nothing. I could have used that quote instead of the one about the hated coalition finally dying for the exact same argument.
But it wasn’t who sued them that made it illegal but the constitution.
That’s only half the story. They sued for a practice they used a hundred of times in the past. Not because it makes sense, not because it will improve anything (in fact that strict interpretation of the law will make their future work as well as all state governments harder). They did it because they saw a chance to obstruct the government, consequences be damned.
Could well be a new government with Olaf and others willing to cancel the debt brake.
No it can’t. Because just like this article “the government is bad and incompetent and tries to destroy Germany!!!” is screamed by every noe.liberal rag out- but especially inside Germany for 3 years. And then boosted by right-wing propagandists on social media, too.
There is no alternativer government in Germany’s future. It’s either tone-deaf conservatives with a debt fetish (and a million other issues like corruption, fossil fuel addiction, Russia-cuddling) or nazis. Or both if the constant shift of conservatives to parrot far-right propaganda and populism and their totally insane statements basically calling all actual democratic parties off-limits for coalition for often absurd reasons is any indication.
This is coming entirely from you and is not part of the article in the slightest.
No, this is coming from reality. If telling you a simple well-known and documented fact is “talking about party politics” you really can’t be helped anymore because you are either trolling or intentionally ignoring reality.
This isn’t a conservatives vs social democrats text in the slightest
Yes it is. “The coalition of all other democratic parties has failed as it should! We need a new government!” is exactly that. It is the statement to go back to moronic conservative policies of slow decay and corruption or abandon democracy. Those are the two option in actual reality. But guessing irrelevant facts like polls and party programs would be “party politics”, too…
A future, mind you, where it is vital for us to stand together against pressures from the outside instead of being completely self-absorbed and losing ourselves in petty disputes.
There is no future of standing together against the outside. There is an inside danger of going back to slow decay… only that it’s actually accelarating right now. There is an inside danger of nazis coming back to power in Germany. And there is an inside danger of both happening (as the faction of decay and corruption is already testing the waters how much lies about foreigners being to blame for everything the public accepts without backlash). And then there are the few remaining other democratic parties. You know… the coalition that needed to die because they were so utterly incompetent that infrastructure decaying for decades under conservative rule decided to crumble from utter frustration, so helpless that even electrons got confused and wouldn’t pass those totally modern 1980s copper cables fast enough anymore, so stupid that the poor people in the country had no choice but to listen to Russian trolls and vote for literal nazis.
But I know… that’s too much party politics for you. Just say you didn’t know anything when you wake up in ruins. Did work for most people the last time, too.
People care about their time and their money
No, the majority isn’t actually in the position to care for either. They simply have no choice and take the single option they have to get from their home to the job that allows them to keep said home.
You are missing a step before there can be any discussion what option people will prefer.
The actual article: “The death of the unloved “traffic-light” coalition is long overdue. Fractious, unable to grapple with Germany’s deep-seated economic woes, and incompetently managed…”. Yeah, no party politics there…
Followed by straight out lying (“Yet the coalition had set its face against any new version of the covid-recovery fund that has injected hundreds of billions of euros into European economies in the past three years.”) as actually the conservative opposition sued them before the constitutional court.
But sure the debt brake “urgently needs reform, which in turn requires a new government”… one let by the moronic conservatives with an austerity fetish who actually put that bullshit into the constitution in the first place.
So let’s not talk about party politics as that’s not what the article is about… 🤡
The political equivalent to “one of the sheep broke through the fence and was killed outside, but luckily we have a plan to get rid of the fence -a questionable concept anyway- and let a pack of wolves guard them now” is a totally reasonable take… if you are stupid or your primary concern is to promote conservatives wolves.
Doesn’t matter if they actually argue for more public spending when -at the same time- they beg for return of the debt-brake-fetish party. The one that now is also looking at their new MAGA friends across the pond for pointers on campagning and policies.
Yeah… not decades of brain dead conservative government that let the country slowly but constantlly crumble away while even embedding paralysing austerity measures in the constitution are to blame for Germany being the one single country not recovering from covid and the energy crisis (what did all other countries do different? they invested instead of reducing their debt ratio in a crisis - reasoning: more wiggle room in a crisis 🤡). It’s the incompetent traffic light coalition so bad that bridges started to break down in frustation after decades of neglect, elelctronic signals are too confused to pass those fast copper lines quickly and companies prefer -for some mysterious reason- to invest in other countries where they get subsidies… and that government really, really needed to die so we can get a few more decades of the same non-governing morons only managing the status quo and slow decay instead. This time they even come with an extra dose of far-right populism on top to make things interesting and keep us occupied with cursing about all those evil foreigners. I am so glad the next generation will have no financial debt while living in the ruins of once existing infrastructure and economy (because we all know that decades of investment backlog are something completely different than debt… somehow).
Fuck this author and that neoliberal rag.
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Der einzige skandalöse Affront ist mal wieder die Tatsache, dass Friedrich Merz offen lügt.