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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Please find your groups, organize, protest, demand change. We, the rest of the world, saw how big you’ve protested for good before, and it’s needed now more than ever in your country. You’re not powerless, you’re not alone, and your actions matter.

    You live in a country that used to pride itself as a world leader, and while that image is long gone and lost, we’re still watching you guys.

  • My desperation is not foremost about sympathy for the US, but for the consequences for international politics.
    This is certainly an enormous turning point for America, but it’s also a very dark day for the outlook of the future of… well basically everything.

    The continuation of our species on this earth are facing problems that are more complex than can be put into a slogan or a headline, and both Trump and his voters are to dumb to understand such matters. And that’s not said in hate or anger, it’s just an observable, testable fact that they’re literally unintelligent.

  • I’ve started to have such a massive problem around this one lately. I’m a good, maybe even great listener, and when I’m with another good listener, some real nice and deep conversations emerge, which I really treasure.
    The problem is that the amount of other good listeners around me has shrunk to nearly no one, and I feel myself completely squeezed out of every conversation I engage in. Even a one-on-one dialogue can turn into a monologue where I’m not able to fit in more than a syllable here and there.

    It’s really deteriorating my self esteem and level of happiness. Really feels like not even my closest friends and family give a shit about any part of my life or my person.