Yes, moderate change will save the ecosystem. Reasonable actions are what we need to slowly decelerate the train and allow us to turn. Which will be possible after how long? When do we see these results? We’ve been trying your way for decades in case you missed it. Look where it’s gotten us.
Get the fuck out of here.
Yes I think that living things continuing to be alive is a greater good than people getting rich. If you don’t see it that way, your opinion of me is meaningless to me. If you don’t see it that way, you are actually evil. In the literal sense. I’m not exaggerating or trying to get a reaction with that.
If you think that we should kill off entire lineages of life so elon can make more rockets isn’t extremism you’re delusional. You think I’m extremist but look at your own position. Maintaining the status quo, given the abundance of evidence about where that is taking us, IS EXTREMIST you daft cunt.