• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Yeah, they’re everywhere so technically 90% of the population is within driving distance to an airstrip here. The same methodology applies to every country though, a lot of people are intimidated by “official” or industrialized settings and don’t realize there is a lot of small unused real estate an owner or manager would love to get used by a motivated individual.

    Definitely not the case for large corporations but after they move out the facilities usually are struggling to turn a profit and are an easy grab (or government subsidized places are less greedy), it also looks more professional if you’re trying to do public work.

  • This is not a left-right, one group vs another group, fascism against democracy argument. This is a well documented moral and philosophical conclusion that you don’t give tools like these to a governing body or organization. The targets and terminology always get corrupted by bad-faith actors over time. You would not have control over how this information gets used nor the validity if someone just “placed” a sign for the photo so they would be targeted.

    You are self-reporting to a system that has the ability to become oppressive, use your time more wisely if you wish to promote a good cause. https://go.kamalaharris.com/ has remote volunteering with phone banking etc and has training you can take and local events if that’s your shtick.

  • This is probably too late, but may help someone. If you’re looking for an “industrial” type of setup for a workshop, look at small, local Airports.

    There are small airstrip airports all over, and their filled with warehouses that aren’t being used. My friend rented a small hanger for a couple hundred (he did small engine repairs) which the owner allowed him to build or do whatever he wanted in there, eventually he made an overnight loft/hangout room on one side when he felt like crashing on late nights. He enjoyed having a dedicated “away from home” space to work and the airport gave him business when locals drove by and saw him working (some local pilots always had stuff that needed work). The really cool bonus part was pilots would just show up and ask if he wanted to go with them for a joy ride, guess it’s more fun when you get to share the experience with someone.

  • No, you quoted wikipedia then said “You can also look at his legislative history to see…” denoting a separate action. You just linked an entire like 50 page wiki article, what am I looking for?

    While he has consistently advocated for progressive causes, Politico wrote that he has “rarely forged actual legislation or left a significant imprint on it.” (link)

    I was a Bernie voter in 2016, this comes from someone who has campaigned for him and researched him extensively. His performance the past decade has been subpar and I keep seeing him become worse while magically he’s making the Dem party "Better"TM.

  • Can I get some examples or what he “shifted left”? I honestly don’t even understand what that means anymore in the US political environment. Rights? Healthcare? Basic competent legislation that isn’t banning or removing something?

    I don’t consider right-wing “conservative” anymore with the whole immigration/border and increased law-enforcement funding that would be needed for all their draconian ideals. “Progressive” is just trying to catch up to the rest of the world at this point that’s leaving us in the dust while we argue about the same shit for 100 more years. (sorry rant over)

    I followed your advice and looked at his legislation since 2016 (link 1,2), what am I looking for? I see a new “national heritage area” (another national park designation for some reason), dropping methane regulations deemed necessary from the EPA (uk is doing fine with it). Maybe I should be looking at only introduced legislation for a better picture, not what’s past?

  • I’m just tired of my electronics doing “extra”. I want to pause the video/player, I don’t want that to activate other activities for my device to perform…I just want to pause the fucking video. They’re all guilty of this though, either they show ads or screenshots of what they want you to watch next. I can’t even pause a video anymore to look at something or show something. The amount of times I’ve paused to have a discussion and the distracting shit plays in the background annoyed me to the point I no longer use the “smart tv” to watch anything and only use the tv hooked up to the comp so I can actually control and have a pleasant viewing experience.

  • The whole premise of the article? There’s 2 statements in the entire article that you’ve highlighted, a rather long and lengthy article about the development and history behind the game developer. Your statements of “what the article is saying” is completely false,

    is pretending the sale is some runaway success in the west

    where does it say this?

    article completely ignores the source of the sales volume

    Article clearly states it’s sales, touches on the current chinese population use of steam, I’m not sure what you’re saying should be the “correct” thing that would satisfy you. Maybe you could provide an example?

    The actual impact it’s going to have is much less on the development of AAA games by Chinese studios and much more as a demonstration of the Chinese market’s interest in single player games.

    That’s a valid statement with a lot of factors (younger generations play more multiplayer). It wasn’t the scope of this article to break down consumer purchasing trends within a category (this thing is already long enough).

    This seemed like a very milquetoast level style of an article highlighting the success and development of a game studio, I suppose everyone complains in the gaming industry now adays (myself included) so I’ll take your negativity more as a “gamer” thing than just hating on something not from the west. I’m rather glad to be exposed to news articles on here that aren’t NA eccentric that I’m always reading. Them not highlighting and differentiating themselves from the western market has seemed to gotten you into a hissy fit.