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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I was at a relatively large chain bar this weekend and that’s how it was - one long normal halfway for the bathrooms with rows of normal doors on each side for “stalls”. They also used those toilets that have the sink in the top.

    It was AWESOME, especially as a lady in a bar setting. Felt much more public and protected in the ways that matter (well lit shared hallway with lots of visibility and traffic) and private and secure in the ways that mattered. Especially with the sink and mirror also in the room, it was so nice to take a second to freshen up without trying to get out of there ASAP or worrying about dealing with some belligerent drunk wandering into the wrong bathroom on accident (BTW, much larger issue than “fake” trans women).

    Loved it. 10/10 no notes. Everyone should do this.

    Edit to add - it was also really nice from a disability standpoint, I think! Partner recently injured himself in an awkward manner, and it was MUCH less awkward helping him get situated in that setup - there was just the one shared handicap stall and it was right at the front, and no one batted an eye at me helping him all the way to it. No awkward walk past the urinals, haha.

    On that note I also think that would be a killer setup with kids - no taking your “slightly-too-young-to-be-alone daughter” into the men’s room, no following her into the women’s room, and vice-versa. Good stuff.

  • Sent a relatively new and somewhat nervous co-worker a “grandpasimpsonleave.gif” responding to the 8 billionth mutual emergency of the day followed immediately by “I kid, I kid, we’ll fix it! 😉 [Relevant follow up question]?”

    Guess which of those two messages was the last one unaffected by the outage? Yep. I got to watch her devolve into a panic as her messages reached me and my responses didn’t get sent to her, and THEN delivered in the worst order/selection possible. Felt like the more critical the message, the less likely to send.

    And! She’s on the other side of the continent and all her location’s phones are through teams also! And it was time sensitive.

    Rough Friday.