They may be preparing for a remodel, in which many of the shelves get torn out and replaced with new ones. They don’t want to shut down the store to do it and need a lot of storage space to hold shelving while they replace units one at a time over night. So already clearance stuff gets clearanced harder to get it out of the way.
This has been brought to you by your surly neighborhood shelving guy.
Is this maybe at a hobby lobby?
Yes, yes it is…
They may be preparing for a remodel, in which many of the shelves get torn out and replaced with new ones. They don’t want to shut down the store to do it and need a lot of storage space to hold shelving while they replace units one at a time over night. So already clearance stuff gets clearanced harder to get it out of the way.
This has been brought to you by your surly neighborhood shelving guy.
Thanks, shelving guy! That makes sense.
Thank you shelving guy, your work is always underappreciated