I’m starting to think about diversifying my energy prodution. I have a solar panel array (5kWp) on the roof for a year now. I see that adding more panels does not make much sense as the production in summer as is is already hard to consume it all, and in winter the production is rather symbolic while consumption is through the roof.

So I thought of looking into wind turbines. There is plenty of wind the whole year where I live. But, rather then buying a big 5kW turbine which is quite expensive on its own (plus a pole and all the other stuff) I thought, how about using multiple small turbines (up to 1kW) connected together, similar to how solar panels are. Either into one inverter or using microinverters. Does anyone have any interesting links to follow or some experience in similar setups?

    • muppethOPA
      10 months ago

      That youtuber is pretty much paid advertisement for startups. I would not take this guy serious. I have seen also number of videos about this type of turbine and also some debunks. Harmony turbine is project that has not yet shown results apart from lots of publicity. I will try to find a nice video I saw about it, but yeah I wouldnt put too much hope in that. Specially when something’s featured on that youtube channel.