US vice-president JD Vance later says he will join unsolicited visit to Arctic island, which Mette Frederiksen says is ‘not what Greenland needs or wants’
Maintaining “decorum” is the entire reason we’re in this mess to begin with.
You give these asshats an inch, they run a mile with it and demand to know why you didn’t let them run 10 miles since you already let them run one mile.
I don’t care about “these asshats” but I really don’t want my governments to engage in a diplomatic race to the bottom or to start disregarding their own agreements willy nilly, it’s just not a good precedent. Also an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and all that. I understand that might be easy for me to say from a somewhat outside perspective but really, nothing good will come from doing this kind of stupid shit, we need to keep our heads high, respect the rules we agreed on and generally make sure we keep everything kosher, that’s the only long term play and the only way we can maintain trust from the rest of our allies. Otherwise we’re just like them.
Besides I’m not saying “roll over and take it”, rescinding the agreements is a much stronger move than an isolated (and illegal) refusal at the border.
Right, I think we agree on what needs to be done, I just want it to be done for real, at the diplomatic level, not an isolated move by a random border patrol agent.
What does “proper” to any country engaging with the US matter if the US ignores it and then fucks them over for doing it?
It was proper of Canada to uphold the trade agreement reached in Trumps first term, the US reneged on this and is dropping tariffs hand over fist regardless, and now no one is a winner.
Doing anything properly necessitates two parties can agree on something at a minimum and uphold that.
The US is an un-agreeable, improper, traitorous entity, therefore nothing can be done “properly”.
If Europe starts doing illegal shit like this, we will lose trust from the rest of our allies which aren’t going down the drain. I’ve written the US off already, but going all loose-cannon will set the precedent that we can’t be trusted and compromise the rest of our international relationships.
I don’t think the US needs to agree to anything in order to rescind whatever agreement is being discussed here.
I understand what you are saying, but context matters as well, and has superseded bureaucracy depending on the situation historically.
Poland never formally declared war on Germany in response to the invasion on September 1, 1939. Do you think badly of Poland for this because they didn’t “properly” declare war before trying to fight back?
I am doubtful, because the context matters to you in understanding what they were doing, and why they were doing it.
That’s fair, and I do agree in extreme circumstances decisions might need to be taken without having the time or resources to follow process, but we better choose those moments very fucking carefully. An invasion would qualify, this “visit” would not, imo.
Sure, but they should do it properly e.g. officially rescind these agreements (I’m sure there’s a process for that).
Maintaining “decorum” is the entire reason we’re in this mess to begin with.
You give these asshats an inch, they run a mile with it and demand to know why you didn’t let them run 10 miles since you already let them run one mile.
I don’t care about “these asshats” but I really don’t want my governments to engage in a diplomatic race to the bottom or to start disregarding their own agreements willy nilly, it’s just not a good precedent. Also an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and all that. I understand that might be easy for me to say from a somewhat outside perspective but really, nothing good will come from doing this kind of stupid shit, we need to keep our heads high, respect the rules we agreed on and generally make sure we keep everything kosher, that’s the only long term play and the only way we can maintain trust from the rest of our allies. Otherwise we’re just like them.
Besides I’m not saying “roll over and take it”, rescinding the agreements is a much stronger move than an isolated (and illegal) refusal at the border.
That was President Biden’s choice of path to take. Look where it got us.
Denmark needs to tear up those agreements, because they will be trampled on.
Right, I think we agree on what needs to be done, I just want it to be done for real, at the diplomatic level, not an isolated move by a random border patrol agent.
What does “proper” to any country engaging with the US matter if the US ignores it and then fucks them over for doing it?
It was proper of Canada to uphold the trade agreement reached in Trumps first term, the US reneged on this and is dropping tariffs hand over fist regardless, and now no one is a winner.
Doing anything properly necessitates two parties can agree on something at a minimum and uphold that.
The US is an un-agreeable, improper, traitorous entity, therefore nothing can be done “properly”.
If Europe starts doing illegal shit like this, we will lose trust from the rest of our allies which aren’t going down the drain. I’ve written the US off already, but going all loose-cannon will set the precedent that we can’t be trusted and compromise the rest of our international relationships.
I don’t think the US needs to agree to anything in order to rescind whatever agreement is being discussed here.
I understand what you are saying, but context matters as well, and has superseded bureaucracy depending on the situation historically.
Poland never formally declared war on Germany in response to the invasion on September 1, 1939. Do you think badly of Poland for this because they didn’t “properly” declare war before trying to fight back?
I am doubtful, because the context matters to you in understanding what they were doing, and why they were doing it.
That’s fair, and I do agree in extreme circumstances decisions might need to be taken without having the time or resources to follow process, but we better choose those moments very fucking carefully. An invasion would qualify, this “visit” would not, imo.
Yes, what you said is fair as well. I think we have reached a mutually positive conclusion then. Have a good day.
Love it when that happens :)