This post is a reminder that Visa and Mastercard are two american companies and that every time you pay for something with your credit card you are most likely paying taxes to trump and his goons.
This post is also intended to be a provocation to all the crypto haters and the cashless payment fanatics.
It can also be worthless from one day to the next. I hold BTC, I’ve lost £300 this week. I wouldn’t want to put my whole salary into BTC.
You are lucky you don’t own any venezuelan bolivars or you could have lost more than that. Real currencies can go down too.
The call of the bolivars was all but unannounced, while the up and down of BTC and more of less known crypto are waaaaaay less predictable
Much like a volatile currency, though I suppose a better example would be an asset like gold or silver, except you can instantly sell bitcoin back. Look at it less like a currency and more like an asset.
Good thing I don’t live in Venezuela.