The U.S. and U.K. led a series of airstrikes in Yemen on Thursday evening, setting off alarms globally about how the attacks play into the smoldering regional risk of conflict — including a stream of questions from Congress about whether Biden was legally authorized to conduct the strikes at all.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        8 months ago

        I love how this is the only reply these trolls have. The other turd is worse than the turd that’s currently committing atrocities. Checkmate!

          8 months ago

          The other turd that would absolutely commit the same atrocities if he could, because all American presidents have had the same stance on Israel in modern history, and Trump himself was showing no sign of being any different*

          “Oh, look at me, supporting proto-fascists because it’s ironic and whatnot”. Do you know what we call a person supporting a fascist? A fascist!

          I’m surprised, though. I thought your support of fascists was supposed to remain a secret, nazbol. You’re not supposed to say the quiet parts out loud.

          Pretty obvious that you don’t actually care about socialism or communism but are only here to promote “red” imperialism.

          You should probably know that left-wing politics are not an aesthetical concern designed to make people sound cool. It’s supposed to be about freeing the workers of the world from the yoke of capitalism.

          But the truth is that you only care about is your horse being the winning horse, out of (probably justified, tbh) hatred for the West. You’re willing to sacrifice the racial minorities, the LGBT, and the general working-class of both the West and the countries you’re shilling for because you never actually cared.

          Tough shit, though. It looks like it’s not happening today pal. Your horse will not win the race today. It’s not even close, in fact. We can talk about it in a year or 10 if you’d like. Seethe and cope (quoting you).

          You’re a disgrace.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            8 months ago

            Nice straw man there, given that nowhere did I say I support the other turd in any way. I reject the entire horrific system. Meanwhile, you are the one who supports genocidal fascist because he makes scum like you more comfortable, and you don’t give a shit what he does to others.

            The blood of millions is on the hands of scumbags like you who prop up western imperialism.