Thing is that the internet is a global phenomenon, and we don’t see the same thing happening in all the countries. So, the internet itself clearly cannot be the explanation here. There are specific issues present in the US society that we see manifesting as political polarization. I do agree with you that the internet makes it easier for ideas to spread, and thus it acts as an accelerant. However, there need to be underlying divisions to accelerate in the first place.
Always great to see how libs who never stop bleating about authoritarianism, don’t actually believe in democracy themselves.
From what we’ve seen, when any tank gets hit that tends to be fatal. Drones in particular tend to hit weak areas that cause munitions to explode.
Famines were common occurrence before the revolution, and were in fact a major driver behind it. USSR doubled life expectancy in just 20 years. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. the Semashko system of the USSR increased lifespan by 50% in 20 years. By the 1960’s, lifespans in the USSR were comparable to those in the USA:
Quality of nutrition improved after the Soviet revolution, and the last time USSR had a famine was in 1940s. CIA data suggests they ate just as much as Americans after WW2 peroid while having better nutrition:
During the 1932 Holodomor Famine, the USSR sent aid to affected regions in an attempt to alleviate the famine. According to Mark Tauger in his article, The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933:
While the leadership did not stop exports, they did try to alleviate the famine. A 25 February 1933 Central Committee decree allotted seed loans of 320,000 tons to Ukraine and 240,000 tons to the northern Caucasus. Seed loans were also made to the Lower Volga and may have been made to other regions as well. Kul’chyts’kyy cites Ukrainian party archives showing that total aid to Ukraine by April 1933 actually exceeded 560,000 tons, including more than 80,000 tons of food
Some bring up massive grain exports during the famine to show that the Soviet Union exported food while Ukraine starved. This is fallacious for a number of reasons, but most importantly of all the amount of aid that was sent to Ukraine alone actually exceeded the amount that was exported at the time.
Aid to Ukraine alone was 60 percent greater than the amount exported during the same period. Total aid to famine regions was more than double exports for the first half of 1933.
According to Tauger, the reason why more aid was not provided was because of the low harvest
It appears to have been another consequence of the low 1932 harvest that more aid was not provided: After the low 1931, 1934, and 1936 harvests procured grain was transferred back to peasants at the expense of exports.
Tauger is not a communist, and ultimately this specific article takes the view that the low harvest was caused by collectivization (he factors in the natural causes of the famine in later articles, based on how he completely neglects to mention weather in this article at all its clear that his position shifted over the years). However, its interesting to see that the Soviets really did try to alleviate the famine as best as they could.
Personally, I just don’t have time or energy to play big AAA games for the most part. I very much prefer smaller indie games nowadays, and Steam Deck has those in spades. I would wager a lot of older gamers are in the same boat.
lol yeah that too
speaking of gulags
I’m not sure why you think the fact that Black women turned out to be smarter than wasps would bother me, but you do you little buddy.
nice straw man there, you’re a very original troll
I’m guessing the concept of saving information for later use is completely beyond your imagination
sees a bunch of links and reference, bleats about LLMs 🤡
Lack of social cohesion is what makes people open to all sorts of ideas outside the mainstream, including propaganda. Social cohesion isn’t unravelling because of the internet, it’s unravelling because people’s standard of living is collapsing and they don’t believe that the government is working in their interest. Internet has been around for a long time now, but the political polarization is a very recent phenomenon that perfectly coincides with the ongoing financial crisis that started in 2008.
ironic that you also accuse me of cherry picking when you responded to half of what i said and left the rest
That’s because what you said was nonsense based on your cherry picking. The sources I provided very clearly show that none of this colonialism that you bleat about is actually happening in practice. And if you had a shred of intellectual honesty, you’d be addressing the actual findings in the many studies conducted. Instead, you’ve exposed yourself as a troll. So there’s no need to address anything you said.
also crazy that you just admitted to having an archival system for arguing with strangers on the internet my guy torture wouldn’t have got that out of me
Wow it’s so crazy that somebody would save links that address the arguments that trolls on here make time and again. Absolutely crazy stuff!
so it destroys the local economy, save for businesses now irrevocably economically tied to china?
Gotta love how you cherry picked one quote out of context. Very intelligent behvaior on your part.
also you kept this one in your wank bank for so long some of your links are dead, so you might want to fix it
you could just spend your time to learn to paste links into an archive instead making a clown of yourself in public
Believe it or not, you’re not the first troll to bring up this cliche.
The big advantages that T-72/80 have over western tanks is that they’re much lighter meaning that they don’t get stuck in mud as easily, they’re easier to repair, and they have autoloaders reducing crew size.
If that’s what you genuinely believe, that’s even more depressing.