• thelucky8@beehaw.org
    2 months ago

    Yeah, so to intensify the ‘peace talks,’ the Chinese government should take down its Great Firewall, allowing all non-Chinese apps to be downloaded in the country, and stop censorship. We can then discuss and learn better from each other, the good things and the bad ones, like the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, forced labour in Xinjiang, or people like Xu Zhiyong, Cao Shunli, and many others.

    Let Chinese people download apps from outside China, and ‘peace talks’ will even improve.

    (As a personal note: I am really wondering whether the author of this article has ever been to China or knows some Chinese at least. I have been in the country and know a lot of Chinese citizens, but I never felt we needed ‘peace talks’ because we never were at war. Such an assumption, which the article appears to make, is complete rubbish. Such rhetoric comes from governments, not from the people. And in this case, it is particularly the Chinese government that is ‘firewalling’ the country and bombarding its own citizens with propaganda. If governments -in China and elsewhere- would work for the people in developed democracies, we don’t need peace talks as there is no war.)

    China Punishes Activists and Families to Quash Dissent, Report Says – (April 2024)

    Addition as I have just seen it: Thailand must immediately halt deportation of 48 Uyghurs to China: UN experts - let’s add this issue to the peace talks, right?