ID: photo of actor Sinbad in a neon pink frame, he has a wide slightly awkward smile, and has his hand out to gesture asking a question, above in pink neon letters it says: “Real talk!” and in the frame next to the photo it says in plain black text: “so are we going to overthrow the fucking government or what?”, with his signature bellow

    2 months ago

    I think they didn’t show up because they lost hope. There was tons of doomerism and despair on the left leading up to the election. It seems many just threw in the towel.

    It’s cowardly, IMO, to give up the fight and wallow in despair, and I confronted the doomerism wherever I saw it, including here, but I wouldn’t characterize it as laziness or asshole behavior.

    Depression and deaths of despair have been increasing in the US for decades, and the people who diligently voted blue since the housing crisis have little to show for it. So while I’m angry they didn’t show, I can see why they lost hope. They need a promise of change they can actually believe in.