Wanna know how to not be beholden to all these fees? Put in the effort to divorce yourself from these companies. You’re paying for convenience. Go pick up your food yourself. Take the time to research products from different companies, and acknowledge and be patient that they won’t be there immediately. Cultivate your own media library. Find replacement software if at all possible. All of these things take much more effort, but you’ll save yourself the money and you’ll stop supporting these damn companies that are raiding your bank accounts. Obviously some subscriptions are impossible to avoid, like a cell phone plan, home internet, work-related things, etc. But how anyone pays triple for a meal is just baffling. And some people do it every. Single. Day.
AlternativeTo is a great way to find free/open source software alternatives to whatever you’re currently using.
I like the video overall but at the end he recommends Surfshark VPN as the only “subscription worth it” like come on.
That’s how he can afford to pay $1000+ in subscription fees EVERY MONTH
£1,212 is more like $1,500 US dollars. Which is nuts.
They put their own dark pattern at the end of the video.
Well, I’m doing better than that guy anyway. I only pay $10 per month for Kagi and Proton.
Seems like he is doing pretty well. Paying 1200£/month and not noticing is very privileged. But yeah, I also only pay like 1€/month for my mail account and nothing else.
I was thinking the exact same thing actually because us normal people start getting a bit antsy when things hit a hundred dollars a month, not twelve hundred.