More and more people are saying this.

NGL these are some pretty astounding stats, especially considering how car-brained most of Canada is. Even so, our transit usage (in major cities) completely eclipses the yanks (I have not independently verified these stats but the user seems knowledgeable enough that I did not bother).

Taken from a reddit-logo thread from /r/fuckcars on the topic of obesity rates between different states/provinces (the consensus was that while there are other factors at play such as diet, car-dependency seems to be the overall defining factor for obesity rates).

Not a lib

🇵🇸 Free Palestine

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I think part of the problem in C*nada is that we compare our transit systems to the US. I hear people saying absolute bullshit like “Canadian city X has incredible transit” and every time I’m like what the fuck are you talking about. And every time I mention Europe or Asia they just shrug off like obviously our transit is not on the same planet as these places but for some reason they seem completely unphased like of course you’re supposed to grade Canada on a curve for some unknown reason