
Trump has pledged the largest deportation operation in U.S. history, focusing on undocumented migrants with criminal histories.

However, an analysis reveals only 0.47% of the 1.8 million immigration court cases in the past year involved deportation orders for crimes beyond illegal entry.

While over 400,000 undocumented immigrants have past criminal convictions, most will not face deportation until after completing sentences.

Research consistently shows migrants commit crimes at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens and have no correlation with rising local crime rates, despite Trump’s claims of public safety threats.

    3 months ago

    Trump did a lot of things in his first term that he said he was going go do. We should be extremely concerned, and taking steps to fight this, not acting like his administration is going to be full of incompetence, and its no big deal.

      3 months ago

      Oh I have no doubt he will deport as many as he can, and not give a shit if they were born or grew up in USA, or if they’ve been there and worked hard and paid taxes for decades.
      But in the end, his policies will do more harm than good, and he won’t give a shit. He will still claim he is getting rid of criminals and is making things better.
      He is a narcissist, and people who listen to him are idiots.