Georgetown University Law Center is facing scrutiny over its handling of a pregnant student’s request for exam accommodations.

Brittany Lovely, a second-year law student, is expecting her first child during the upcoming exam period and sought to take her exams either early or remotely. The university initially denied these requests, citing concerns about fairness among students.

Lovely described the situation as “extremely disrespectful” and felt that the university’s suggestion to bring her newborn to campus during exams so she could breastfeed her baby, with minimal recovery time, was unreasonable and insensitive.

A school leader also allegedly told her, “motherhood is not for the faint of heart.”

    4 months ago

    This is basically failing someone for being pregnant. That’s dumb.

    Let’s make sure this is equitable. Fail any man that conceives a child during law school too.

    And actually, let’s go full Japan and watch the birth rate plummet when people choose between career or family and end up choosing career for fear of repercussions.